13 Ways To Free Your Mind From Negative Thoughts
Freeing your mind from annoying thoughts is a difficult task. After all, the brain is not a drawer that you can fill or empty whenever you feel like it.
There are many emotions that can disturb your peace, inner balance and the ability to focus on the really important things. Most of the time, these emotions are negative.
Factors such as anxiety and prolonged stress can cause frustration, fatigue and even anger towards the whole world.
We have all been through this situation at some point: you get home and you can’t relax because your mind is occupied with a thousand thoughts that don’t give you peace, a whirlwind of restlessness, headaches and a mood. bad that doesn’t go away.
If you are going through such exhausting episodes and you do not know how to deal with them, below we offer you some simple tips that you can try to put into practice to free your mind from negativity.
They are extremely useful!
Find out what emotions are bothering you
Before you begin the exercises below, you need to identify the emotion or emotions that underlie your negative state.
Often, it can be an amalgam of feelings: a little anxiety, a little fear, a little sadness, a little disappointment and a little worry. To unravel this “emotional clump,” you need to regain your balance and relax. In this sense, the best solution is to start meditating.
Although it may seem strange, learning to meditate is not an easy task at all, as it takes time and practice. Thus, we recommend a series of options to establish contact with yourself, to find out what is happening inside you and what emotions are loading your mind.
Here’s what this is about:
- Take a walk. Many people meditate more easily while walking, running or doing various light physical exercises.
- Take a relaxing bath. This is the ideal setting to reflect.
- Dedicate an hour to yourself, in silence. Take a diary or a piece of paper and draw two columns. In the first column it says “how I feel” and in the second “what makes me feel that way.” Do this exercise patiently. Be honest with yourself.
Tips to free your mind based on the emotions you discover in yourself
1. You feel angry
Take some colored paper and tear it into several strips. Do it slowly, focusing on this task.
Weave the obtained strips. Little by little, you will find a solution to the anger that grinds you.
2. You have to understand a certain thing
Paint mandalas. While coloring the created shapes, you can come into contact with your thoughts, calmly, without haste.
Little by little, you will find the answer.
3. You are sad
Draw trees with deep roots and tall branches that touch the sun.
4. You are restless
Make a rag doll. As you create each part, you will find some peace generated by your identification with this human form that you created with your own hands.
5. You are worried
If you are worried, a useful solution is origami. This delicate art consists of folding pieces of paper only with your hands, without using scissors or glue.
6. You need to remember something
If you want to remember something, draw a maze.
7. You feel mentally exhausted
Draw flowers.
8. You need to find the solution to a problem
Draw an ocean with waves, and then fill the outline with the right colors.
9. You feel stuck and do not know how to get out of a certain situation
If you are going through a complicated period and you feel tense, very anxious and you feel that you have almost no time to clear your mind, draw spirals to feel better. It is a very relaxing activity.
10. You have to find out what you want in life
If you are at a crossroads in your life and you do not know what you want or what you expect from you, make a collage. Cut out pictures you like, stick them on a board and think about them.
11. You have to organize your ideas
In this case, a useful solution is to draw rectangles.
12. You feel desperate
We have all had and still have moments when we are overwhelmed and feel that we are carrying all the burdens of the world. When you feel that way, it can be very cathartic to draw paths.
Draw roads and paths that close, but are accompanied by strong bridges.
13. Tips to clear your mind when you are irritated
Irritability is not as intense as anger, but the first is an annoying state, like a cloud above our mind that fills us with negative feelings that we can not get rid of.
Every time you are upset and nervous, take some colored pencils and draw lines on a blank page.
Try these simple strategies to free your mind from negative thoughts and states. You will see that our advice will be of great help to you.