3 Situations When You Have To Avoid Physical Exertion

Movement is very beneficial for the human body, which is why we need to include it in our daily routine. But there are certain situations when it is advisable to avoid physical exertion.
3 situations when you need to avoid physical exertion

Did you know that there are certain situations when you need to avoid physical exertion? Moving is not a modern invention. Physical activity has always occupied an important place in all societies.

In ancient Greece, for example, various sports programs were implemented. These were considered essential for optimal health, and the cult of physical beauty gained through athletics was a way of expressing strength.

Why is it good to exercise?

Sports improve the performance of the cardiovascular system. They produce hemodynamic, hormonal, neurological and metabolic changes. Therefore, we can say that sports strengthen the respiratory system and balance the general state of health.

Regular exercise prevents osteoporosis, back pain and problems caused by incorrect body postures. But there are also situations when you need to avoid physical exertion. The type of activity in which we want to get involved and the specific conditions are essential factors.

What are those situations when you need to avoid physical exertion?

Situations when you need to avoid physical exertion to protect your heart

We all know that excessive or wrongly performed movement is counterproductive. For example, hypertensive people should avoid engaging in demanding sports, as such activities can worsen their health. But there are many other situations when you need to avoid physical exertion.

Here are 3 of them:

1. If you haven’t slept enough

Many people feel that after a night of insomnia, the best way to wake up is to train. But this idea is totally wrong!

Involvement in physical activity when we are not well rested increases the level of stress. At the same time, the immune system will not be prepared to cope with the effort, and the natural means of defense will be damaged.

In addition, you will overload your muscles due to lack of energy, which will increase the risk of injury. Muscles are overworked because you can’t move as easily as when you’re rested enough.

If you don’t sleep well one night, but you don’t want to interrupt your exercise routine, go for a walk, jog, or do only half of your regular activities.

2. After drinking alcohol

Situations when you need to avoid physical exertion due to alcohol consumption

Drinking alcohol will not cause you problems if you want to exercise, as long as it is not an activity that requires precision. Alcohol affects performance and physical strength, especially coordination. Because of ethanol, alcohol users go into a euphoric state, followed by a depressive one. This reduces their reflexes in any situation.

Remember, alcohol also has a diuretic effect, which can cause dehydration when you exercise. Basically, when you work hard, you lose fluids, vitamins and minerals more easily. In addition, ethanol prevents the proper absorption of nutrients, leading to weight gain.

3. After you get injured

Injuries are very common among athletes. Their main causes are:

  • Wrong movements
  • Wrong heating
  • Physical overload
  • Improper footwear
  • Lack of concentration

Types of injuries

Situations when you need to avoid physical exertion such as injuries

Among the most common injuries are:

  • Acute injuries (fractures, dislocations or cuts that occur as a result of blows or excessive force)
  • Injuries caused by overload (for example, fractures caused by overworked or inflamed tendons, which occur as a result of repetitive movements)

Symptoms of injuries

In general, the lesions cause symptoms such as:

  • Intense pain, especially when touching the affected area
  • Stiffness and inflammation
  • Ruptures or fractures

If you experience any of the above symptoms, avoid physical exertion. Also consult a doctor. Then tell your coach about the injuries and the treatment you were prescribed. Gradually, adopt a routine of therapeutic exercises.

Tips when training

  • If you want to get involved in demanding physical activity, ask a specialist to supervise you.
  • Focus on how you perform the movements, not the physical force. You have nothing to gain if you lift heavy weights as long as you do not do it correctly.
  • Be consistent and don’t overwork yourself. Excessive movement for short periods of time does not provide as good results as the least intensive, but long-lasting.
  • Warm up. To prevent injuries and increase your performance, it is essential to lie down before engaging in any type of physical activity.
  • If you want to lose weight, start with an aerobic exercise routine. It is also important to lift weights so that you strengthen your muscles.
  • Maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Drink plenty of water so you can recover after you exercise. It is essential to consume this fluid before, during and after training.

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