4 Foods That Change The Look Of Your Face

Even if you do not suffer from celiac disease, the appearance of blackheads or swelling of the face may indicate a certain level of gluten intolerance. 
4 foods that change the appearance of your face

Even if it seems hard to believe, there are foods that change the appearance of your face. Today we present four of them and explain how their excessive consumption is read on your face.

Foods that change the appearance of your face

1. The wine

Foods that change the look of your face like wine

One of the characteristics of people who drink a lot of wine is the appearance of visible wrinkles and spots on the nasal bridge. In addition, they face fine wrinkles under the eyes and swollen eyelids. As if that weren’t enough, the skin becomes dehydrated and red, and the pores enlarge.

The above effects are explained by the fact that wine contains a large amount of sugar, but also pesticides and sulfites. That is why alcoholic beverages cause dehydration.

The body loses water and the liver works harder than usual, which means that the next day you will have stomach problems. All these irregularities make the skin look wrinkled, loose and full of reddish spots.

In addition, consumed in excess in the long run, alcohol alters the intestinal flora, causing many diseases. 

To combat the above problems, it is necessary to completely avoid alcoholic beverages for at least 3 weeks. The skin thus has time to recover.

2. Milk

Milk on the list of foods that change the appearance of your face

Milk, when consumed in excess, is also included in the list of foods that change the appearance of the face. In this case, the people in question face bags under the eyes and swollen eyelids. In addition, blackheads and spots may appear in certain areas, such as the chin.

At the same time, milk can change the skin tone, even if you do not suffer from lactose intolerance. The reason is that as we age, we lose a lot of the enzymes that help digest lactose properly.

Although it does not cause an actual allergy, milk causes certain changes in the body and on the face. If you notice that your face is swollen and very pale, try to avoid dairy products for a few weeks. You can see if your face returns to normal and the symptoms disappear. In this case, you are sure that the problems are caused by dairy consumption.

3. Sugar

Foods that change the appearance of your face such as sugar

There is also a look on the face typical of those who eat excess sugar. We are talking about deep wrinkles on the top of the face, bags under the eyes, pale and fragile skin and acne.

In addition to being consumed in moderation because it makes you fat, sugar is an ingredient that affects the skin. This food stimulates glycation, ie the process by which glucose molecules adhere to collagen, destroying it and reducing its elasticity. These effects accelerate the aging of the skin, contribute to the formation of wrinkles and change the pigmentation of the skin.

If you want to have a perfect complexion, one of the best measures you can take is to reduce your sugar intake and replace it with healthier alternatives.

4. Gluten

Foods that change the appearance of your face based on gluten

Excessive consumption of gluten-containing products is not only harmful to people with celiac disease. These are on the list of foods that change the appearance of your face.

Black spots on the forehead, cheeks and chin, red cheekbones and inflammation can be seen on the faces of people who consume excess gluten. In other words, gluten changes their appearance.

If you have noticed the above signs, it is possible that they indicate that your body cannot digest gluten. This protein is found in foods based on:

  • Wheat
  • Rye
  • Oat
  • Barley

In addition, gluten is present in:

  • Beer
  • Whiskey
  • Vodka

If you suspect that you have gluten intolerance, you can test the hypothesis in a very simple way: try to eliminate from the diet products that contain this ingredient for 2-3 weeks. Notice if there are any changes in the skin.

If after two weeks, the symptoms have not disappeared, you may suffer from a food intolerance, but not to gluten.

However, in order to maintain a healthy weight, it is advisable to give up simple carbohydrates, such as white flour products. 

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