5 Forbidden Foods After Training And 3 Allowed

If you want to enjoy the results of exercise, it is important to take into account what you eat after training.
5 forbidden foods after training and 3 allowed

Many times, we eat poorly because we are not well informed. But if you want to exercise and take care of your body, you must pay special attention to nutrition. It is important to know that there are forbidden foods after training, while others are recommended.

In this article, we show you what you should avoid and what you should consume after the end of the exercise session.

Foods prohibited after training

1. Red meat

Red meat on the list of forbidden foods after training

Exercise improves intellectual performance, but not if you eat red meat immediately after finishing it.

  • According to a study by the University of Georgia, in the first 20 minutes after training, you learn better and retain information more easily.
  • This is not possible if you eat red meat immediately. This food is not good for the brain because, after consuming it, it limits your ability to learn and memory.

Red meat is rich in saturated fats and slows down the metabolism, while affecting the health of the digestive tract.

2. Commercial smoothies

Commercial smoothies are forbidden foods after training

Commercially available smoothies are not very healthy, most of which are high in sugar. Even though these drinks seem to be the ideal choice after training, not all smoothies are equally useful.

  • Smoothies with a high sugar content have twice as many calories as those you burned during training. Watch out for these products!

If you want to eat a healthy drink after exercise, opt for natural smoothies, based on vegetables and fiber and without added sugar.

3. Fry

Prohibited foods after training such as fried foods

Fried foods and fast food products are rich in saturated fats. These foods are not recommended at all times, especially after exercise. The reward you give yourself after you finish your workout should not contain more calories than you burned.

  • The body needs 9 grams of energy to digest 1 gram of fat.
  • In addition, fried foods slow down the metabolism you have tried to speed up through exercise.

4. Oilseeds

Oilseeds are forbidden foods after training

Even though they are healthy when consumed in small quantities, nuts and hazelnuts are forbidden foods after training. Of course, it is good to eat protein-rich products, such as oilseeds, but do not forget that the latter are also high in fat.

In addition, oily fruits slow down the metabolism, which is why it is not recommended to eat them after exercising.

5. Coffee

Coffee on the forbidden food list after training

Coffee dehydrates you, which is why it is not recommended after training. Instead, opt for a flat water bottle. It quenches your thirst and hydrates your body.

Recommended foods after training


Protein is not on the list of forbidden foods after training

As already mentioned, after the end of physical training, it is recommended to eat protein.

  • We recommend that you opt for white meat, such as chicken, turkey or fish.
  • In addition, it is advisable to eat green vegetables, as they are an excellent source of protein. Other beneficial options are legumes, soy and seeds.


Bananas are not a forbidden food after training

As already mentioned, products with a high sugar content are on the list of forbidden foods after training. However, if you feel like something sweet, you can opt for a banana. These fruits are rich in potassium and carbohydrates, being a dessert suitable to be served after exercise.

Potatoes and other starches

Potatoes are not a forbidden food after training

Starchy foods are the best garnish for a post-workout meal. You can opt, for example, for boiled or baked potatoes with a little rice. In this way, you facilitate the absorption of carbohydrates in the digestive system. In turn, this group of foods helps digest proteins.

Keep these recommendations in mind the next time you don’t know what snack to serve after your workout.

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