6 Forbidden Foods In Hypertension
One in five adults suffers from high blood pressure, a disorder that causes 9.4 million deaths each year worldwide due to complications, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The first step in preventing high blood pressure is to adopt a proper diet. What foods are forbidden in hypertension?
In this article, we will present the forbidden foods to people suffering from blood pressure problems. Keep in mind that in addition to dieting, smoking cessation, regular exercise, avoiding alcohol and low salt intake are essential changes that you need to put into practice.
What is high blood pressure and what causes it?
Although high blood pressure is a condition that is not clear, it is not a joke. In fact, it is worrying that many of those who suffer from it do not pay as much attention to it as they should.
Hypertension is also one of the most common diseases among the adult population, affecting about 33% of the population. If you have problems with your blood pressure, you need to follow a special diet to keep it under control. This way, your body will function properly.
Aging or genetics are some of the unalterable causes that increase the risk of high blood pressure problems. But other factors can lead to high blood pressure: for example, inadequate nutrition, overweight or lack of physical activity.
6 forbidden foods in hypertension
1. Reduce your salt intake
If you have high blood pressure, you should either avoid adding salt to your food or reduce the amount you eat, because sodium is your worst enemy.
You can consume up to 1000 mg (0.03 ounces) of sodium per day, which is the equivalent of 2 g (0.07 ounces) of regular salt. Also, don’t forget that many foods contain sodium, so be very careful.
Examples of this are teas and juices.
Fried chicken or french fries are temptations that can endanger your health. Fried foods are high in fat, which can lead to excess weight and high blood pressure. It is better for people with high blood pressure to eat baked or grilled chicken and baked or boiled potatoes.
Saturated fats, especially trans fats, are harmful to the heart and blood vessels. High blood pressure puts a lot of stress on the circulatory system, and it can be devastating.
In short, as a last piece of advice, do not forget that specialists recommend both people with blood pressure problems and anyone who wants to prevent hypertension to follow a healthy lifestyle.