6 Unusual Causes Of Palpitations
Even if it seems hard to believe, there are many unusual causes of palpitations that we cannot always easily identify. Today we present you the most common ones. Take them into account and do not worry more than necessary if you are in this situation.
What are palpitations?
Before discussing the unusual causes of palpitations, it is good to know that this symptom manifests itself as a heaviness in the heart area caused by the rapid beating of this organ. Some people describe them as a flutter of wings.
In general, palpitations are accompanied by symptoms such as:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Panic attacks
- Sore throat and neck
Unusual causes of palpitations
If you have unwarranted palpitations, it is important to analyze your lifestyle a little. In general, a few minor changes are enough to treat the problem.
1. Anxiety
Anxiety is one of the main causes of palpitations. It is important to know how to control your emotions when you are about to have a panic attack.
Palpitations caused by anxiety do not pose a major risk, but you should try to calm down and control your emotions to combat anxiety.
One option would be to lie in bed and think of something happy or relaxing. This way, you will forget about the fast heartbeat. Little by little, it will return to normal.
In addition, it is advisable to avoid caffeine when you suffer from anxiety. Instead, serve a chamomile or mint tea.
2. Stress
If you are stressed all the time, your heart suffers. On the list of unusual causes of palpitations is a very busy lifestyle. In this situation, blood circulation is slowed down, causing problems with blood pressure and heart.
If you have had constant palpitations in recent days, try:
- Do more exercise to get rid of negative energies and stress.
- To live a quieter life.
- Make a better defined work schedule.
3. Sedentarism
Are you one of those people who avoids sports at all costs? Maybe you should go back to this habit to have a healthier life.
You may not believe it, but sedentary lifestyle is also on the list of unusual causes of palpitations. Therefore, it is important to exercise for 30 minutes, at least twice a week.
For many people, walking from home to work or to the store is enough. But some fitness experts say that you need to exercise perceived as such. Specifically, if you do not dress in sportswear and do not plan the activity you want to do, your body and mind will not record the movement you do as a physical exercise itself.
5. Excessive physical activity
We already know that, in any case, excess is dangerous. Thus, excessive physical training is as harmful as sedentary lifestyle.
The negative effects are even more visible if you are over 40 years old or if you exercise with high impact. Therefore, physical overload is another one of these unusual causes of palpitations. To prevent this symptom, consider the following recommendations:
- Practice exercise at a pace adapted to your own abilities.
- Start slowly, then increase the intensity as you gain more skills.
- Ask for the support of a fitness instructor.
- Consult your doctor before starting a new sport.
- Do stretches before doing other exercises.
5. Hypotension
Hypotension can be very dangerous. It attacks the heart directly, causing palpitations and a feeling of pressure in the heart.
If your doctor has diagnosed you with hypotension, it is essential that you follow all of his or her recommendations. The most important thing is to prevent the problem from getting worse and the need to take other medications.
To take care of your heart, you can limit yourself to a simple walk every day.
6. Past heart disease
Have you ever had a heart condition? Some people have heart problems in childhood, which disappear later. But the passage of time, stress and harmful habits can lead to palpitations.
If you have had heart disease in the past, consider the following recommendations:
- Avoid excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol.
- Exercise regularly, but not excessively.
- Consult your doctor about any changes in drug treatment.
As you can see, there are many unusual causes of palpitations. We recommend that you pay special attention to this symptom. If palpitations occur in isolation and rarely, you have nothing to worry about. But you can interpret their appearance as a sign that you should have a healthier lifestyle.
If palpitations occur frequently, it is advisable to go to the cardiologist as soon as possible.