7 Benefits Of Bay Leaves That Will Surprise You

To take full advantage of the health benefits of bay leaves, make sure they are dried before using them. Fresh bay leaves can be toxic.
7 benefits of bay leaves that will surprise you

Blueberry is often used in the kitchen as an aromatic plant. But what you may not know is that there are various benefits of bay leaves, which we can take advantage of to be healthier. If you want to know more, read on to find out how bay leaves can make your life easier.

You will want to use them every day to take advantage of the most important benefits of bay leaves!

1. Reducing anxiety

If you burn bay leaves, the resulting smoke has a relaxing effect on both the body and the mind. But you have to be careful because regular inhalation of this smoke can cause hallucinations.

As long as you take all the necessary precautions, this trick will help you fight fatigue and will induce relaxation.

2. Treatment of inflammation, on the list of benefits of bay leaves

Benefits of bay leaves to reduce inflammation

Bay leaves contain eugenol, a compound that acts like an anti-inflammatory agent. With this ingredient, you can reduce inflammation in any region of the body, especially the joints.

3. Strengthen the immune system

In order for the human body to function optimally, it needs vitamins and minerals. Eugenol in the composition of bay leaves has an antioxidant effect.

So, burnt or whole, bay leaves can be included in many recipes. We advise you to consume them especially when you have a cold.

4. Benefits for diabetics

Benefits of bay leaves for diabetics

According to the results of studies conducted in the United States, daily consumption of 1-3 g of bay leaves can relieve the symptoms of type II diabetes.

5. Supporting the health of the respiratory system, among the most important benefits of bay leaves

Benefits of bay leaves for different organs

On the list of benefits of bay leaves is their ability to clear the airways. All you have to do is inhale the resulting smoke when you heat bay oil and you will be able to say goodbye to phlegm.

Recipe for preparing bay oil


  • 1 teaspoon (5 g) of dried bay leaves
  • 1 cup (200 g) of sweet almond oil


  • A sealed glass jar with a volume of 200 ml


  • First, wash the glass jar thoroughly.
  • Put the bay leaves (previously cleaned) in it.
  • Add the sweet almond oil.
  • Seal the jar and let the mixture stand for 40 days.

The benefits of bay oil

It is beneficial for the skin

Bay oil is an excellent skin care product. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, substances that the skin needs to be healthy.

At the same time, bay oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Thus, you can use it to keep your skin clean and delay aging and the harmful effects of free radicals.

May reduce fever

Woman enjoying some benefits of bay leaves

If you have a cold or flu, inhaling the steam resulting from heating the bay oil is a remedy worth trying. You can also opt for applying compresses with bay oil on the chest. In this way, you will prevent cold-associated infections.

  • Bay oil regulates body temperature and, if you have a fever, stimulates sweating.

Relaxes muscle

Because it has a vasoconstriction effect, bay oil supports reducing muscle contractions and relaxing nerve impulses. In addition, this product is ideal if you want to regulate your blood circulation.

Use bay leaves and if your head or back hurts, you have a migraine or experience neck pain. To treat all the mentioned pains, you can massage yourself with a little bay oil.

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