7 Benefits Of Turmeric During Menopause

In addition to combating the physical effects of menopause and postmenopause, turmeric improves your mood. 
7 Benefits of Turmeric During Menopause

Menopause is a crucial period in a woman’s life, especially in terms of the ability to have children. At this stage, the ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone. If you are going through this difficult period, enjoy the extraordinary benefits of turmeric during menopause.

Generally, menopause sets in after 45 or 50 years. Post-menopause lasts from the end of menstruation to the end of life.

At menopause, many health problems can occur caused by decreased hormone production. Fortunately, there are many ways to combat discomfort. In today’s article we present some benefits of turmeric during menopause. You will see that this wonderful ingredient is a reliable ally in this period of life.

1. It has an anticoagulant effect

Benefits of turmeric during menopause such as anticoagulant effect

The first of the wonderful benefits of turmeric during menopause is related to the cardiovascular system. Heart health is affected before and after menopause, especially due to blood clotting.

Although there are many types of anticoagulant drugs, they can cause excessive bleeding or bleeding. Turmeric is a natural option without side effects.

2. Turmeric is rich in phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens are derived from plants that mimic the estrogen secreted in the body. One of the extraordinary benefits of turmeric during menopause is its rich phytoestrogen content.

If your doctor has already prescribed estrogen substitutes, these are probably phytoestrogen supplements. As a wonderful natural alternative, you can add a small amount of turmeric to your diet.

3. Relieves pain

Benefits of turmeric during menopause such as pain relief

In general, menopause is accompanied by various pains and inflammations. The most common, but not the only, are muscle and headaches.

Fortunately, turmeric relieves pain caused by inflammation. This spice has an analgesic effect that helps restore mobility without the need to take medication.

Among other things, turmeric fights:

  • headaches
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle stiffness

4. Fight depression

Even if you have been a happy person all your life, there is always the risk of falling into depression after the onset of menopause. If you are experiencing mood swings, turmeric is again useful because it improves your mood.

For some women, mood swings are a serious problem, being directly related to menopause. For others, it is more about adapting to the new stage of life than a biological change.

Either way, you need to pay attention to the symptoms of menopause to take the necessary measures. We are talking here about the following manifestations:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Stress
  • Hot flashes
  • The constant need to cry
  • The feeling of inferiority

5. Fight hot flashes

Fighting migraines on the list of benefits of turmeric during menopause

Most menopausal women experience hot flashes at least once. These are sensations of extreme heat that last for a few moments. Hot flashes cause palpitations and profuse sweating. Their cause is a decrease in estrogen levels.

One of the seven benefits of turmeric during menopause is its rich content of antioxidants and phytoestrogens, which prevents the appearance and decreases the frequency of hot flashes.

6. Reduces the risk of vaginal infections and urinary incontinence

Decreased estrogen levels and vaginal atrophy increase the risk of vaginal infections. At menopause and postmenopause, it is normal to have abnormal vaginal irritations, itching and secretions. You may also suffer from urinary incontinence.

Turmeric has antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, being one of the most used remedies for these problems.

7. Relieves breast pain and reduces the risk of breast cancer

Benefits of turmeric during menopause such as breast cancer prevention

Hormone levels can influence the development of breast cancer during and after menopause. Due to its phytoestrogen content, turmeric reduces the risk of this disease.

It is important to pay attention to the worrying symptoms, such as:

  • Breast pain
  • discomfort
  • nodules

In this case, turmeric prevents the development of cancer cells. That is why it is recommended to eat a little turmeric if you are on cancer treatment. As we well know, one of its possible side effects is nausea, a sensation that this spice fights.

Take advantage of the wonderful benefits of turmeric during menopause and postmenopause

Now that you know the main benefits of turmeric during menopause, do not hesitate to add it to your diet. You have several options, and one of them will surely be to your liking:

  • Add 1 teaspoon (5 g) of ground turmeric to green smoothies.
  • Take a turmeric pill in the morning.
  • Add a 3 cm piece of turmeric root to smoothies.

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