7 Reasons Not To Sleep With Wet Hair

A good way to relax and get ready for bed is to take a shower before going to bed. But it is not at all healthy to sleep with wet hair. Read on to find out why!
7 reasons not to sleep with wet hair

To relax your body and improve your sleep quality, a bedtime shower can be very helpful. This habit reduces muscle tension and stress caused by a tiring day at work. But there are many reasons not to sleep with wet hair, this practice is harmful to health.

Although it seems harmless, sleeping with wet hair can cause side effects on the scalp, muscles and immune system.

Many of us are unaware of these negative consequences. To help you protect your health, in today’s article we present 7 reasons not to sleep with wet hair.

1. Headaches

Sleeping with wet hair causes headaches

Sleeping with wet hair can increase the frequency of severe headaches because moisture causes sudden changes in body temperature. If you wrap your wet hair in a towel, you could aggravate the problem, the moisture being retained for a longer time.

This habit affects the blood circulation in the scalp and, as the tension increases, it causes pain that can interrupt sleep.

2. Hair breakage

People who want to maintain a strong and healthy hair ornament should, as much as possible, avoid washing their heads before bed. Over time, the hairs deteriorate due to this practice, and the chances of them breaking and falling increase.

3. Skin infections

Sleeping with wet hair affects the skin

Wet hair increases the risk of skin infections because harmful microorganisms have an ideal environment for them to multiply.

If you wash your head during the day, your hair has enough time to dry, but this is not possible at night. The heat of the bed creates favorable conditions for the growth of fungi and bacteria. As a result, the scalp and the skin around it develop irritations or even fungal infections.

4. Itching and inflammation

Mushrooms that grow on the skin due to wet hair can cause uncomfortable itching and inflammation, even after the hair has dried. These symptoms may become recurrent and, if not treated properly, may take several days to go away.

5. Allergies and colds

Sleeping with wet hair causes allergies

Changes in body temperature that occur while sleeping with wet hair can weaken the immune system, triggering allergic reactions or colds.

Moisture is retained for several hours, during which time the body’s defenses are weakened and viruses and bacteria can attack you.

6. Oily hair

Sleeping with wet hair stimulates the scalp’s oil production, making the texture of the hair ornament greasy.

This phenomenon occurs due to changes experienced by the sebaceous glands, which unbalance the pH of the scalp. When you wake up, your hair will look unpleasant.

7. Avoid muscle pain, on the list of reasons not to sleep with wet hair

Sleeping with wet hair leads to muscle aches

Although muscle aches can have various causes, we cannot overlook wet hair. Changes in body temperature that occur due to it do not only cause circulatory problems. They also increase the frequency of spasms and muscle tension.

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