7 Smoothies That Clean The Arteries

Nutrition is essential for good health. These smoothies cleanse your arteries, are easy to digest and very tasty. 
7 smoothies that clean the arteries

Consumption of fat and salt is one of the main reasons why the blood cannot circulate properly. These substances accumulate in the arterial walls and hinder blood circulation. High cholesterol is a result of this problem and should not be ignored, as it can be the cause of a stroke or a heart attack. So we recommend you try the smoothies below that clean your arteries and are also very healthy.

Cleans your arteries naturally

It is important to include foods that lower blood triglycerides in your menu. These substances block the arteries and prevent proper blood circulation.

In addition, it is essential to keep cholesterol levels within normal limits to prevent heart problems, for example.

The smoothie recipes below contain fiber, antioxidants and fatty acids that clean your arteries and improve your health.

1. Smoothie with strawberries, blueberries and chia seeds that cleans the arteries

Strawberry smoothie that cleans the arteries

Strawberries and blueberries have many beneficial properties and contain vitamin C and antioxidants. At the same time, chia seeds are composed of fatty acids that are very effective in cleaning the arteries.


  • A cup of milk (preferably almond or walnut) (250 ml)
  • 170 g of strawberries
  • 75 g of blueberries
  • ¼ cup of chia seeds (60 g)
  • ¼ cup of mint leaves (25 g)

Method of preparation

  • Wash the strawberries and blueberries well, then cut them in half.
  • Put the fruit in a blender, then pour the milk.
  • Add chia seeds.
  • Process all the ingredients for a few minutes, until you get a fine mixture with a creamy texture.
  • Decorate the smoothie with mint leaves, which gives it a pleasant and intense aroma, then consume it immediately.

2. Smoothie with melon and grapes

The fruits in this smoothie are ideal for improving cardiovascular health. Nutrients from watermelon and grapes lower cholesterol and clean the arteries of excess fat.


  • 75 g of melon
  • 40 g of white grapes
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
  • ¼ cup of mint leaves (25 g)

Method of preparation

  • Peel a squash, grate it and cut it into cubes.
  • Wash the grapes well, cut them in half and remove the seeds.
  • Put both fruits in a blender.
  • Add water and process the ingredients well.
  • Finally, decorate the smoothie with mint leaves.

3. Smoothie with cabbage, carrots and parsley

Carrot smoothie that cleans the arteries

Not only fruits help to clean the arteries, but also vegetables.

The smoothie below is rich in calcium, a mineral that prevents atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots.


  • 33 g of fodder cabbage
  • 25 g of chopped parsley
  • 70 g of carrots

Method of preparation

  • Wash the fodder well and cut it into medium-thick strips.
  • Wash the parsley. Use only the leaves, not the stem. Finely chop the leaves to facilitate processing in the blender.
  • Peel a squash, grate it and cut it into cubes.
  • Put the cabbage, parsley and carrot in the blender. If you want, you can add a little water.
  • Process all the ingredients well until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Before serving the smoothie, you can strain it. Drink this smoothie every morning.

4. Smoothie with broccoli, tomatoes and celery

No, it’s not a salad recipe (although these ingredients are perfect for that). It is a tasty smoothie that cleanses the arteries.


  • 150 g of broccoli
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 60 g of celery

Method of preparation

  • Wash the pieces of broccoli and separate the flowers from the stems. You only have to use the first ones.
  • Wash the tomatoes and cut them into cubes.
  • Wash the celery stalks and cut them into smaller pieces.
  • Process all the vegetables in the blender for a few minutes.
  • If you want, you can add a little water and a clove of crushed garlic.
  • It is good to drink this smoothie in the morning, immediately after cooking.

5. Smoothie with carrots and radishes

Radish smoothie that cleans the arteries

Antioxidants in both ingredients clean the arteries, improving blood circulation.


  • A cup of water (250 ml)
  • 140 g of carrots
  • 60 g of radishes

Method of preparation

  • Peel a squash, grate it and slice it.
  • Wash the radishes, peel them and cut them into four pieces.
  • Put the carrot and radish in the blender.
  • Add water and process the ingredients until you get a fine mixture.

6. Smoothie with pears and spinach

Pear smoothie that cleans the arteries

This smoothie is sweet and sour at the same time, being a delicious option to start your day with extra energy and to clean your arteries.


  • 300 g of pears
  • 120 g of spinach

Method of preparation

  • Clean the pears and cut them into medium-sized cubes (discard the seeds).
  • Chop the spinach and cut the stalks, all you need is leaves.
  • Add the pears and spinach to the blender.
  • Process well until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Consume the smoothie immediately after cooking.

7. Smoothie with carrots and apples

Here is another excellent recipe that combines fruits and vegetables! The antioxidants in the ingredients cleanse the arteries, leaving them healthier.

Drink this smoothie in the morning, 3 times a week (preferably on an empty stomach).


  • 140 g of carrots
  • 75 g pieces of red apple
  • 160 g of grapes
  • 75 g of orange slices

Method of preparation

  • Clean the apple and cut it in half, remove the seeds, then divide it into smaller pieces.
  • Wash the grapes and remove the seeds.
  • Peel an orange, grate it and remove the seeds.
  • Add carrots, apple pieces, grapes and oranges.
  • Process the ingredients, then you can consume the smoothie. If you want, you can also add ice cubes.

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