8 Symptoms Of Visual Stress

Do you feel tired or irritated? Is your vision blurred? If your answer to these questions is yes, you may be suffering from visual stress. Read on and remember!
8 symptoms of visual stress

Electronic devices, ultraviolet rays, environmental toxins… All these factors are the main causes of the fact that we experience more and more often symptoms of visual stress.

Visual stress is characterized by an uncomfortable sensation of eye fatigue. This problem is also accompanied by blurred vision, difficulty concentrating and, in some cases, irritation.

80% of people who have to work at a computer suffer from visual stress at least once in their lifetime. In addition, it is common among those who force their eyes into dimly lit spaces.

The most worrying aspect is that many patients tend to ignore the symptoms. Despite the discomfort experienced, they are not treated in time. Thus, it is very important to be able to recognize the main symptoms of visual stress. Once you have identified them, consult a specialist.

1. Dry eyes, one of the most common symptoms of visual stress

Any symptoms of visual stress should be treated in time

Dry eyes are an uncomfortable symptom that, if left untreated, can cause pain and difficulty seeing. This problem is caused by a lack of fluid in the tear, a small bone located in the orbit, responsible for protecting the eyes and maintaining their lubrication.

Dehydration of the eyes can cause itching and irritation, as when small particles enter them. The eyes often become dry due to exposure to pollution, but visual stress can also cause this reaction.

2. Itchy eyes

Itchy eyes (pruritus) is a reaction that signals a reduction in tear production. This symptom is accompanied by irritation and discomfort in the eyes. In general, itching will intensify when the patient engages in activities that involve overloading the eyes.

3. Dizziness

Dizziness is one of the possible symptoms of visual stress

Among the most common symptoms of visual stress are dizziness and lack of coordination. Due to overload, the energy level decreases and exhaustion occurs. In the case of visual stress, the fatigue experienced is accompanied by intense headaches, unhealthy pallor and weakness in the extremities.

4. Tearing

Although visual stress frequently causes dry eyes, in some situations overloading these organs can cause them to shed excessively.

Usually, this symptom is caused by the presence of particles and substances in the environment, which manage to deposit on the surface of the eyes. Sometimes, however, excessive tearing signals the presence of an eye disease.

Regardless of the cause, it is essential to consult a doctor. Only he can determine if your eyes are tearing due to visual stress, trauma or eye disease.

5. Migraines

Very uncomfortable symptoms of visual stress

Intense headaches and migraines can be symptoms of visual stress. This reaction is caused by problems associated with blood pressure and blood circulation, which can be overlooked.

But migraines can be caused by various factors, so do not blame the visual stress if you do not notice other symptoms.

6. Hypersensitivity to light

People who spend too many hours in front of the computer often experience recurrent episodes of hypersensitivity to light.

The main cause of this phenomenon is the stress to which the eyes are subjected due to the lights emitted by the screens of electronic devices. They alter the blood circulation in the eyes and their ability to lubricate.

Hypersensitivity to light has also been associated with a disease called photophobia which, along with visual stress, can cause corneal trauma.

7. Conjunctivitis

Symptoms of visual stress such as conjunctivitis are annoying

When you spend many hours in front of the screen of an electronic device, you increase your risk of suffering from conjunctivitis. This disease involves inflammation of the connective membrane due to overuse of the eyes. However, it should be noted that, in general, conjunctivitis is caused by viruses, bacteria and toxins in the environment.

8. Blurred vision

Blurred vision and difficulty seeing small details can be symptoms of visual stress, but they can also signal the presence of refractive disease or impending blindness.

If you experience this symptom, seek medical advice. Blurred vision warns you that you suffer from an eye disease that requires urgent treatment. Most of the time, this signal will be accompanied by migraines, fatigue and other symptoms mentioned above.

Some final tips

  • To prevent all 8 symptoms of visual stress presented in this article, allow your eyes to rest several times throughout the day.
  • As much as possible, practice eye exercises regularly.
  • We advise you to get enough sleep. Rest is essential for optimal visual health.
  • Ideally, undergo a medical check-up periodically. Remember, when the above symptoms become recurrent, the problem may not be visual stress, but a more serious illness.

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