90% Of Cardiovascular Diseases Can Be Prevented: 5 Tips

Although it is difficult for us to get used to it, it is important to exercise daily. We don’t have to go to the gym. Cardiovascular health can be protected in many ways.
90% of cardiovascular diseases can be prevented: 5 tips

According to the European Society of Cardiology, 90% of cardiovascular diseases can be prevented. The president of this body has made it clear that the best way to avoid most heart conditions is to change your lifestyle and more.

At first glance it may be simple, but strokes are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. So it is clear that something is happening. We are sure that you know someone who has already had a heart attack or maybe even you have problems with cholesterol or hypertension.

It is important to become aware of this problem. Sometimes things as small as adding salt to your salad or walking can change your life.

Cardiovascular disease in women

Doctor who shows that cardiovascular disease can be prevented


Studies on the incidence of cardiovascular disease and its prevention have focused on the gender gap:

  • Heart problems are the leading cause of death among women in Europe, even before cancer.
  • Women, in case of a heart attack , are 50% more likely to die compared to men (30%).
  • Why are women most affected by heart problems?
    • The Spanish Society of Cardiology tells us that the symptoms of a heart attack are different in men and women. In addition, women tend to associate them with fatigue.
    • Women tend to focus more on others, giving less priority.
    • Cardiovascular mortality in women occurs after the age of 65 years. In other words, from the onset of menopause, health care must increase.
    • At fertile age, estrogen protects against many diseases and the risk of thrombosis is lower.

90% of cardiovascular diseases can be prevented: 5 tips

1. We need to become aware of the importance of care

  • Taking care of yourself does not mean eating more fruit a day or going for a walk only once a week. CARE, in capital letters, is just as important as breathing and should be a priority every day, not just when the doctor says we have high cholesterol.
  • Our body, especially after menopause, will change. Today’s women are more susceptible to cardiovascular disease. Don’t ignore any symptoms!

For example: always being tired or not having air is not normal.

  • Manage your emotions properly. Control stressful situations, anxiety…

2. Consumption of citrus

  • According to a study by the University of Oxford (UK), regular fruit consumption takes care of heart health, especially if we choose citrus fruits.
  • Oranges, lemons or kiwis are very effective in fighting cholesterol and preventing the sticking of fatty plaque in the arteries. As a recommendation, remember that it is better to consume them naturally and not in juices.

3. Periodic medical examinations

  • Many heart diseases are asymptomatic. After 40 years, we have a higher risk of getting sick.
  • Keep track of your blood pressure and do not hesitate to go for regular medical check-ups.

4. Half an hour walk

Walking in the woods


Cardiologists tell us that the healthiest way to avoid cardiovascular disease is to practice about 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise a day. So feel free to go for a walk every day, ride a bike, swim… or even dance!

5. Food for the heart

  • Salmon
  • Tone
  • Sardinia
  • Avocado
  • Olive oil
  • Flaxseed
  • Oat
  • Cranberries
  • Strawberries
  • NUTS
  • White tea
  • Broccoli
  • A glass of red wine a day
  • Turmeric
  • Black chocolate

Cardiovascular disease can be prevented: conclusion

Although it is true that there is an inevitable percentage of cardiovascular accidents, we must eat correctly, avoid sedentary lifestyle and manage stress correctly.

The effort is worth it!

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