Senna Occidentalis: An Alternative To Coffee?

Senna occidentalis seeds are used as a substitute for coffee. In addition, other parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Want to know more about Senna occidentalis?
Senna occidentalis: an alternative to coffee?

Senna occidentalis is a herbaceous plant, native to the tropical regions of the world. It is often cultivated for ornamental purposes, although it also has medicinal and culinary uses. It has thin stems with an irregular and woody texture. Its leaves are formed in pairs, while the flowers are arranged in inflorescences with up to 4 flowers. The latter are yellow, ranging from intense to opaque.

It bears fruit in the form of elongated pods, which can reach 10 centimeters in length. Inside, they have numerous round, dark brown seeds that are often used to replace coffee. In fact, the commercial derivatives of this plant are known as ‘senna coffee’ or ‘Mogdad coffee’.

Uses of the plant Senna occidentalis

All parts of the plant are exploited both culinary and medicinal. The most used part are the seeds contained in the pods, because roasted and ground are an alternative to coffee.

Young leaves, immature pods and flowers are used as vegetables. Although evidence on their properties is limited, it is said to act as an antioxidant, diuretic, anticonvulsant and antibacterial, among others. However, they also have side effects.

Coffee beans

Senna occidentalis as an alternative to coffee

On the market, roasted seeds of Senna occidentalis are sold in the form of senna coffee. According to an article in Trends in Applied Sciences Research , seeds stand out for their content of amino acids, vitamins and fatty acids. It also concentrates alkaloids, tannins, tocopherols, carotenoids, mucilages and saponins, among other bioactive compounds.

A remarkable feature is that Senna occidentalis does not contain caffeine. In addition, it is consumed for medicinal purposes. According to the Pharmaceutical Encyclopedia , its uses include the following:

  • Natural laxative
  • Antibacterial and antifungal
  • Heart diseases
  • Rheumatism and gout
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Diabetes
  • Snake bites
  • seizures
  • Pertussis
  • Asthma and flu
  • Episodes of fever

The same source states that although there is clinical evidence to support the laxative properties, there is insufficient evidence to support the other benefits. Therefore, the plant should be used with great caution.

Suggested dosage

There is no recommendation on the exact dose of Senna occidentalis. states that in adults and children over the age of 12, the suggested dose of senoside (pharmaceutical extracts of plants of the genus Senna ) varies from 8.6 to 17.2 milligrams orally, twice a day.

This plant is available in several presentations and the dose is not always the same. Therefore, it is best to consult the label to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Side effects and contraindications

Some reports warn that the intake of seeds can be dangerous to health. Through the International Journal of Pharmacognosy , information has been collected on cases of poisoning caused by these seeds in both humans and domestic animals.

The seeds can induce mitochondrial damage, which generates a wide variety of consequences, such as motor disorders, strokes, visual ailments, liver and pancreatic dysfunction, diabetes and kidney disease, among others. It is believed that this is due to prolonged and excessive consumption of seeds. There are no data to report side effects caused by moderate or occasional intake of the product.

Despite this, the use of seeds is discouraged in pregnant or lactating women, children and people with chronic diseases. The seeds should not be used simultaneously with drugs such as digoxin, warfarin and diuretics.

Plant of Senna occidentalis

What should we remember about Senna occidentalis?

Senna occidentalis is a plant with a long history in natural medicine and gastronomy. Its nutrient content makes it stand out in many cultures.

However, it has also been found to contain compounds that can be toxic. Therefore, its intake should be moderate and, if possible, under medical supervision.

Senna coffee, a product derived from the seeds of this plant, is used as a substitute for the traditional drink. It contains no caffeine and offers health benefits. However, the evidence on its properties is quite limited and with controversial results. Therefore, its daily use is not recommended.

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