9 Natural Remedies For Crohn’s Disease

To relieve the symptoms of Crohn’s disease, you need to find out for yourself which foods are bothering you and hurting you, because each body can react differently. 
9 natural remedies for Crohn's disease

Crohn’s disease is a chronic condition that can affect any part of the digestive system, causing inflammation. At the base there may be genetic, environmental or even bacterial factors. One of the causes can be gastroenteritis. Although no cure has yet been found for this condition, we have various natural remedies for Crohn’s disease that help relieve symptoms.

Here are the most effective treatments that make your life easier if you suffer from Crohn’s disease.

1. Natural remedies for Crohn’s disease: aloe vera

Natural remedies for Crohn's disease such as aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is recommended for treating many digestive problems. This plant has anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is very useful when it comes to Crohn’s disease, which is characterized by inflammation in the digestive tract.

Aloe vera antioxidants relieve physical discomfort and inflammation, two of the main symptoms of the disease.

Aloe vera juice is beneficial for the digestive tract and strengthens the immune system. You can simply drink it or add it to a smoothie. Generally, it is enough to consume a teaspoon or two a day.

We recommend that you drink freshly prepared juice. If you buy it from the store, read the label carefully to make sure it does not contain chemicals.

2. Mint

This plant is one of the best natural remedies for Crohn’s disease because it contains antioxidants that are very beneficial to the body. Peppermint tea speeds up the healing process and prevents inflammation associated with this condition. 

If you suffer from this condition, you probably already know that the pain is so intense that it prevents you from carrying out your daily activities. Try to drink mint tea to relieve pain and improve your quality of life. This remedy can become your best ally.

3. Ulm slides

Slippery elm tea is very effective in treating Crohn’s disease. It is beneficial for the digestive system and improves the health of the stomach.

In addition, slippery elm stops bleeding and helps treat anemia, both of which are caused by Crohn’s disease.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt on the list of natural remedies for Crohn's disease

Yogurt is a reliable ally when it comes to digestive problems. It contains lactic or probiotic cultures that help regenerate the stomach and digestive tract. Thus, yogurt is among the best natural remedies for Crohn’s disease.

Symptoms such as diarrhea, bleeding and inflammation can be alleviated with the help of the beneficial bacteria in yogurt. 

A little yogurt for breakfast supports gastric functions and helps you control the symptoms of the disease throughout the day.

5. Fresh fruit

Some people claim that fresh fruit helps them control the symptoms of the disease, while others have noticed that it rather aggravates them. You will have to find out for yourself which category you fall into. Each body reacts differently to each fruit. 

Try to eat various fruits to see which ones are good for you and which ones are not. This way, you will know which ones to include in your diet and which ones it is better to avoid.

6. Carrots

Carrots are natural remedies for Crohn's disease

Carrots contain antioxidants and vitamins that help relieve the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Because they are easy to digest, they do not require as much stomach and colon as other foods.

It is best to boil the carrots. Prepared in this way, they are more nutritious.

7. Low fiber foods

Fiber helps optimize digestion. But when you suffer from Crohn’s disease, a high-fiber diet can cause great pain. Thus, it is best to opt for cereals with a low fiber content.

Before making a drastic change in your diet, talk to your doctor to avoid complications.

8. Yoga

Yoga on the list of natural remedies for Crohn's disease

In addition to changes in diet, it is necessary to change your lifestyle or habits to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Yoga is a beneficial activity because it reduces anxiety and stress. For people with Crohn’s disease, combating stress is one of the best ways to prevent complications. 

9. Acupuncture

Joint pain is another common symptom among patients with Crohn’s disease. Acupuncture is a great way to reduce joint inflammation. 

Weekly or monthly acupuncture sessions can significantly improve your quality of life, relieving many of the physical symptoms of Crohn’s disease.

Try these healthy foods and habits too!

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