The Best Plants For The Bedroom

Valerian is one of the best plants for your home. In addition to the fact that you can use it to prepare infusions, it helps you relax and sleep better.
The best plants for the bedroom

Is it hard for you to fall asleep and do you tend to wake up frequently during the night? If your answer to this question is “yes”, we advise you to start taking steps to overcome insomnia. An excellent idea is to use bedroom plants that induce a state of relaxation naturally.

Unsatisfactory sleep reduces your level of physical and mental energy, changes your mood and prevents you from concentrating. This problem has many negative effects that reduce the quality of life. Fortunately, we have many methods to treat insomnia and get enough rest.

In today’s article we invite you to discover the best six plants for the bedroom, these being effective and 100% natural solutions to improve your sleep. Moreover, the following plants have properties that reduce stress and cleanse the body. Choose the one that attracts you the most and you will not regret it!

6 plants for the bedroom

1. Jasmine

Beautifully smelling bedroom plants

Jasmine is an exotic plant that can calm the body and mind. It has been shown that it can control anxiety, thus improving the quality of sleep. If you choose to put a pot of jasmine on the nightstand or in the corner of your bedroom, you will fall asleep faster and feel more relaxed.

2. Lavender

Thanks to its aromatic and relaxing properties, lavender is one of the most popular plants you can grow at home. It is used in many therapies to control anxiety and induce sleep.

Lavender flowers give off a scent that slows down the heart rate and prevents the production of cortisol (the stress hormone). Although many people opt for lavender oils or perfumes, we advise you to take advantage of this decorative plant in its natural form.

3. Aloe vera

Flowerless bedroom plants

According to NASA, aloe vera is one of the best plants to purify the air in your home. It emits oxygen at night, supporting deep and invigorating sleep. Aloe vera is easy to grow and maintain, requiring no special care or constant watering.

The Egyptians called aloe vera “the plant of immortality” because it has many applications in medicine and beauty. You can grow aloe vera in your bedroom, but we advise you to put it close to the window so that it gets enough sunlight.

4. Gardenia

Gardenia ( Gardenia jasminoides ) has bright and perennial leaves and fragrant flowers that have a relaxing effect. This plant is ideal for the bedroom, facilitating restful sleep.

Various studies have shown that gardenia is as effective as diazepam in relieving anxiety, stress and insomnia. However, you must keep in mind that this plant is difficult to maintain, as its leaves and flowers require constant care.

5. Valerian

Bedroom plants that help you rest

Valerian is a beautiful perennial plant with pink or white flowers that give off a beautiful scent. It has been used since the 16th century as an active ingredient to prepare perfumes, and later the root of the plant was included in teas and tinctures to treat insomnia.

The discovery of the relaxing properties of valerian was attributed to the German physician and philosopher Galen, who was the first to recommend it against insomnia. The treatment he invented was very successful, the scent of valerian being very effective in remedying sleep disorders.

Keep in mind that valerian should be placed in a place where it will get at least six hours of sunlight each day.

6. The bamboo palm

A small bamboo palm tree is ideal for purifying the air and bringing harmony to your bedroom. The properties of this plant allow you to refresh the air in the room during the day and create a relaxing atmosphere at night.

Being an exotic plant, the bamboo palm will make you feel that your bedroom has become a tropical space. Make sure the soil in the pot is moist and place the plant in a place where it is not exposed to excess sunlight.

Before you opt for one of the six bedroom plants that we have presented in this article, make sure that the chosen option will not cause allergic reactions. Clean the leaves of the plant every week and spray water on them to prevent drying.

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