The Best Foods That Lower Blood Sugar

Blood glucose is a problem for many people, but it can be controlled with foods that lower blood sugar.
The best foods that lower blood sugar

Blood glucose is a problem for many people, but it can be controlled with foods that lower blood sugar.

Do you experience symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue?  In extreme and prolonged cases you can get diabetes.

There are several factors that can cause your blood sugar to rise .  The main thing is caused by an unhealthy diet, based on excessive consumption of sugars and carbohydrates.

Other possible causes of high blood sugar are: stress, lack of physical activity, genetic factors, certain diseases and others. Fortunately, there are some foods that lower blood sugar and lower blood sugar.

Foods that lower blood sugar: cinnamon

This spice is very useful when your blood sugar rises. According to nutritionist Richard Andersen, a single teaspoon of ground cinnamon a day can reduce blood sugar in diabetic patients.

Consumption of cinnamon increases the receptivity of cells to insulin, converting glucose into energy. 

Fatty fish

Fatty fish lowers blood sugar

Fatty fish has become very popular due to its high content of omega 3 fatty acids. These are essential for the proper functioning of the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.

In addition, it increases insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients, helping to regulate blood sugar. Recommended fatty fish include salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel and others.


A study by researchers at the  University of Texas Medical Center found that people who eat between 24 and 50 grams of fiber a day have seen a significant improvement in their blood sugar levels. 

For some of the participants, a high-fiber diet was as beneficial as the drug treatment they received for diabetes.

Fiber is found in many foods and you can take the recommended daily dose if you eat 13 servings of a mixture of fruits, vegetables, beans, brown rice and whole grains.


Garlic lowers blood sugar

Garlic can help metabolize glucose and contains compounds that have insulin-like effects. Daily consumption of raw garlic can lower the blood sugar of people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

The vegetables

A high consumption of vegetables provides the body with the necessary fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals that control blood sugar levels, without the addition of calories and fats present in other foods. In this way vegetables help prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease .

Green tea

Studies have shown that chronic inflammation caused by a high-fat diet and a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of a heart attack and affects the body’s ability to absorb glucose.

Green tea is a solution in this situation, because it increases insulin sensitivity and helps prevent the cardiovascular problems that people with diabetes often face.

Oily fruits

Oily fruits lower blood sugar

Regular consumption of oily fruits reduces the risk of developing heart disease. They contain essential fatty acids and omega 3s that help eliminate excess glucose from the blood.


Cherries contain anti-aging agents that fight insulin resistance, lower blood sugar and reduce inflammation.

Inflammation prevents insulin from acting properly throughout the body. Regular consumption of cherries helps to optimize insulin production and lower blood sugar.

Red wine

Red wine lowers blood sugar

Moderate consumption of red wine can reduce blood sugar by preventing the absorption of glucose in the intestines. It is important to drink it sparingly and only under the guidance of a doctor, as it is not recommended for everyone.

If you add these foods that lower your blood sugar to your diet, you have a chance to control your blood sugar.

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