How To Get Rid Of Toenails

If you do not remove the wefts in time, they can cause pain or bleeding, presenting the risk of developing an infection.
How to get rid of toenails

Knees are a common problem. These can be caused by the use of inappropriate footwear and the constant rubbing of the heels, toes and wherever mounts are formed.

The truth is that wefts are formed to protect the foot from injuries, which is why they appear in the areas where the greatest friction is created.

If you do not remove the wefts in time, they can cause pain or bleeding, presenting the risk of developing an infection. Diabetics should pay special attention to foot care, as any wound caused by a weft can lead to a dangerous infection.

Keep in mind that in the case of diabetes, poor circulation in the extremities makes it difficult to heal the wounds, which makes diabetics much more vulnerable. Therefore, if you suffer from diabetes, do not neglect any wounds that appear in the area of ​​the feet. 

In addition to the problem with circulation, diabetics also suffer from a lack of sensitivity, which is why they must regularly check their legs to see if they have any wounds or injuries.

Below you can read some tips to prevent or alleviate toenails, as well as a number of natural remedies that help eliminate them.

Tips to prevent and treat toenails

  • Do not wear high heels or uncomfortable shoes for a long time and do not cover too long distances wearing shoes like this.
  • It is good to always have a pair of comfortable shoes on hand in case you have to take an unplanned walk.
  • Apply a moisturizer on the feet and take great care of the areas affected by daily use. Once a week or every two weeks, keep your feet in warm water and use a pumice stone to soften the weeds.
  • We recommend that you cut the wefts, because the area below is very delicate and you could cause wounds that can in turn become infected, causing even more pain and discomfort. If you have very prominent bruises that cause you discomfort, consult a podiatrist as he can remove them without any risk. 
  • The moisturizer you use must be specially created for the care of this part of the body. You can find a variety of products in stores. Body creams are also not suitable for the foot area.
  • Avoid using socks that have too thick seams that create friction between the fabric and certain areas of the foot. It is better to use soft socks, preferably made of cotton. They keep your feet dry, preventing the appearance of fungi.
  • Don’t do what everyone else does, that is, don’t forget your feet in the winter to pay attention to them only when you expose them. And the feet need care all year round.
  • Protective linings or pads can be used to avoid rubbing between the walls of the shoe and the skin of the foot.

Remedies to try at home to remove weeds

Number 1

Wet feet soaked in water with plants

First, keep your feet in warm water for at least 10 minutes. Take them out of the water and apply a mixture of a tablespoon of baking soda and a little water to the wefts. Gently massage the area, then use a pumice stone.

Number 2

Prepare an infusion of four tablespoons of chamomile to a liter of water. Wet your feet with this tea. Chamomile will relieve any discomfort and soften hardened skin.

Number 3

Lime is a good remedy for weevils

Cut a slice of lime and apply it over the beaten area. Secure the slice with a bandage and let it sit overnight.

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