A Half-hour Walk – Benefits And Tips
You don’t need intense exercise to keep fit. A simple half-hour walk every day can help you achieve your dream figure. At the same time, this practice offers certain psychological benefits that we cannot overlook.
Sedentary lifestyle is a serious problem nowadays. Most people spend all day sitting in a chair, which causes various ailments. Of these, the most serious is obesity, which can lead to complications.
Currently, cardiovascular disorders are at the top of the list of causes of death globally.
- Fortunately, exercise has been shown to easily reduce the risk of acute myocardial infarction.
- Individuals who sit on the chair all day are twice as prone to heart attacks as the active population.
How to keep fit
The ability to keep fit is closely linked to your lifestyle. Exercising or being sedentary are just simple habits. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to train. The only important thing is to know what options you have available.
The best way to keep fit is to perform light exercises constantly. In other words, it is not advisable to combine sedentary lifestyle with a very demanding and occasional training. Such a measure will do you more harm than good.
We advise you to take a half-hour walk every day. This habit is ideal for keeping fit. Hypertensive and diabetic patients have been shown to benefit from regular walking. At the same time, walking prevents premature aging.
The benefits of a half-hour walk
A half-hour walk offers you many benefits. First of all, this habit strengthens the heart. By walking regularly, the heart begins to pump blood more efficiently. The arteries dilate as you move, which improves blood circulation. Basically, the whole body has something to gain.
If your goal is to keep fit, a half-hour walk is enough. But in order to lose weight, you will have to put in a little more effort.
- The fat stored in the body begins to burn only after 20-25 minutes of physical effort.
- So, in order to shape your figure, you will have to walk for at least 45 minutes a day.
Another benefit of walking is that they improve mental health. This activity relieves stress, improving mood. Also, the brain is better oxygenated, which improves cognitive functions in an efficient way.
Some tips for beginners
The first thing you need to do is decide to improve your quality of life and become aware that it is important to be healthy both physically and mentally.
Remember that daily walks greatly improve your health. Once you’ve internalized this idea, consider the following tips that you can include in your daily routine:
- Set aside a certain time slot for a walk. This type of activity is ideal in the morning or late afternoon. Avoid times when the sun is very intense.
- Ideally, take a walk with someone else. The presence of a friend will motivate you and make the walks more fun.
- Wear appropriate footwear. Opt for sneakers with comfortable insoles, designed to eliminate perspiration.
- Protect yourself properly. If it is very sunny outside, always apply sunscreen. Wear a jacket if the weather is cold.
- Before you start walking, lie down and warm up to prevent injuries.
- It is best to divide your walk into multiple stages. It starts slowly and, little by little, increases the speed. In the last five minutes of the walk, return at a slow pace to help your body cool down.
- At the end of the walk, we advise you to lie down again. This will protect your muscles and bones.
- Allow your body to gradually get used to the physical effort. It starts with shorter walks, then increases their duration and their level of difficulty.
The pace of walking should be a little faster than that of regular walking. Otherwise, the cardiovascular benefits of this exercise will not be significant.
You should try to walk daily, especially in the beginning. Your body and mind will gradually adjust to the new routine, which will become a daily habit.