Causes And Remedies For Tinnitus (ringing In The Ears)

Whistling in the ears may be harmless or may be a sign of severe hearing loss.
Causes and remedies for tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

It has probably happened to all of us to be in the middle of an activity and, suddenly, to hear a suspicious buzzing or whistling in our ears. This type of sound, which has its origin in our head and which only we can hear, is called tinnitus. Almost 90% of the world’s population experiences tinnitus at some point. That is why today we present you the best remedies for tinnitus.

If tinnitus is persistent, it can affect the patient’s daily life, thus becoming a real health problem. According to experts, about 3% of the population suffers from chronic tinnitus.

What is the reason we experience tinnitus? In the following we will answer this question. Moreover, we will present you some natural remedies to treat this problem.

What are the main causes of tinnitus?

Woman looking for tinnitus remedies

First of all, you need to consider the following: tinnitus is not a disease in itself, but a symptom of a health problem that you may not know you have.

As I mentioned before, each of us experienced tinnitus at some point. But it does not hurt to know what are the main causes of this phenomenon, so that, if we ever face frequent tinnitus, we know what we need to do to fix the problem. Remember the following:

1. Listen to music using headphones at high volume

Many of us have a bad habit of turning up the volume when listening to music using headphones. It has probably happened to you to go for a walk or train with your headphones in your ears and, immediately after you have stopped the music, to experience tinnitus for a short period of time.

What is the cause? It seems that the music listened to at a very high volume stimulates the auditory nerve in excess. Although tinnitus caused by this practice is temporary, it can become a serious problem if we expose our ears to loud sounds very often.

2. Vascular abnormalities in the head and neck

Young woman in need of tinnitus remedies

This cause is somewhat strange, but very real. Tinnitus can be caused by a vibration of the tissues surrounding the ears, but also by a disorder of the auditory system, in which the nerves play a very important role.

Some people have small vascular abnormalities in the muscles surrounding the ears and jaws. If you are in this situation as well, especially if you have recently suffered from neck pain, you may suddenly experience tinnitus.

In general, tinnitus due to this is temporary. However, due to the facial anatomy (ie the way the facial muscles and nerves are arranged), we may sometimes experience tinnitus more often than usual.

3. Meniere’s syndrome

Meniere’s syndrome is a disease that affects the inner ear. It causes inflammation, dizziness, dizziness and hearing loss. People suffering from this syndrome may experience tinnitus quite frequently.

Being a dangerous disease, specialists recommend people suffering from Meniere’s syndrome to follow an appropriate treatment, so as to improve their quality of life. In general, Meniere’s syndrome can cause progressive hearing loss, but nowadays there are many remedies to treat this disease.

4. Hypertension

In many people, tinnitus occurs at night in the form of constant pulsating sounds. If this situation applies to you or if the tinnitus you experience is more like a buzz or the flow of a river, you are most likely suffering from high blood pressure.

In this situation, we advise you to go to the doctor immediately. People with high blood pressure should not overlook this symptom.

5. Stress and anxiety

Does it surprise you? A high level of stress, especially if it is felt for a long time, will be accompanied by a variety of symptoms, which may include tinnitus.

In general, stress causes high muscle tension, especially affecting the facial muscles. Its consequences include bruxism (gnashing of teeth) and tension in the mouth. For this reason, those who suffer from bruxism often experience tinnitus.

Remedies for tinnitus

Remedies for tinnitus with ginger

Before using tinnitus remedies, you need to know why you are experiencing them. For example, your doctor may prescribe some vasodilators to improve your blood circulation, but he must first consult you.

Do not use tinnitus without the advice of a specialist, especially if you suffer from high blood pressure or a severe hearing problem. If the reason you experience tinnitus is stress and you also suffer from bruxism, you can try wearing a brace. At the same time, try to better control your emotions and avoid any possible source of stress.

Currently, specialists are conducting various experiments using music therapy to reduce the frequency and intensity of tinnitus. Many people, for example, experience less tinnitus if they are exposed to white noise for a period of time.

Last but not least, in order to treat tinnitus, you need to adopt a proper diet. Why? The goal is to avoid inflammation, improve your blood circulation and balance your body. If you choose to try a relaxation therapy, you will get additional benefits, significantly improving your quality of life.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Eliminate red meat and processed foods, treated with additives, from your daily diet.
  • Do not eat fried or spicy foods.
  • Do not use salt or white flour when cooking.
  • Do not consume alcoholic or carbonated beverages.
  • Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread and dried fruits.
  • Use remedies for tinnitus with ginger (infusions).

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