Devil’s Ivy: Health Benefits
But despite its popularity, the devil’s ivy has two major health benefits, which are relatively unknown.
Devil’s ivy (Epipremnum aureum) is a fairly common climbing plant that is often used as an indoor plant nowadays and has unknown benefits.
The devil’s ivy can clean the air in the room where it is sitting and will relax your eyes if they are irritated. This plant is used in the treatment and prevention of hypertension, cataracts and glaucoma.
In this article we will present in detail the main benefits offered by the devil’s ivy but also how we should take care of this wonderful plant to maximize its beneficial effects. Read on and you won’t regret it!
How do you take care of the devil’s ivy?
Devil’s ivy is a plant with broad, green leaves, on which open streaks or traces appear when held out. To grow, this plant needs certain conditions:
- It should be kept in a room where the temperature should be between 15 and 23 degrees Celsius.
- It needs light, but should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
- It should not be watered too often or it may rot.
If you want to grow another ivy, follow the instructions. Cut one of the stems of the plant, put it in a glass of water until its roots begin to grow, and then plant it in pots.
A warning about the devil’s ivy
Devil’s ivy is toxic, so it should never be eaten. However, the devil’s ivy can offer us many benefits if we keep it in one of the rooms of the house. At the same time, its leaves have medicinal properties.
How can the devil’s ivy purify the air?
Devil’s ivy can purify the air in a freshly painted or furnished room where toxic fumes of substances such as formaldehyde (which is found in wooden furniture and, according to scientific research, has a carcinogenic effect) may float.
The ivy of the devil can also purify the air of benzene and carbon monoxide. This is one of the reasons why you should put this plant in the bedroom, if you want to have enough oxygen when you sleep. In addition, several studies have shown that ivy devil ui can help eliminate unpleasant odors.
Thanks to all the benefits listed above, we advise you to place a pot of devil’s ivy in your kitchen, bathroom or living room. Soon the air in your whole house will be purified.
How can the devil’s ivy relieve eye irritation?
Many people — after getting tired of their eyes, for example, sitting too long in front of the computer — have discovered this surprising benefit of the devil’s ivy. In addition, several studies suggest that this plant can also be used to prevent glaucoma or cataracts.
Take advantage of all the benefits that the devil’s ivy offers you for the health of your eyes :
- Wipe the leaves of your plant with a damp cloth. Be careful not to break them because they supply the devil’s ivy with energy.
- Sit in a comfortable position, grab one of the branches of the plant and press a few leaves of the devil’s ivy on your eyes.
- Stay seated with your eyes closed for 3-5 minutes, letting them relax completely.
- Then open your eyes slowly and you will see that they are more relaxed and your vision is clearer.
You can try this treatment whenever you have tired or irritated eyes. If you want to protect yourself from glaucoma or cataracts, try this treatment every day. You have nothing to lose!
Some information about cataracts
One of the earliest symptoms of cataracts, which can help us detect this condition in time, is the presence of a green or silver chip near the pupil. If you notice this symptom, make an appointment with your ophthalmologist as soon as possible.
You can supplement the treatment prescribed by your doctor with the natural remedy based on the devil’s ivy that I described above.