Features, Functions And Benefits Of Vitamin B

In the past, experts believed that vitamin B is a single vitamin, but today we know that it consists of 8 different substances. They work together to help the body perform more functions.
Features, functions and benefits of vitamin B.

Complex B is a vast group of nutrients. There are 8 different micronutrients that play a very important role in absorbing energy from food. In this article, we will discuss the main features, functions and benefits of vitamin B.

Most healthy people meet their daily need for vitamin B through diet. However, in some situations, taking food supplements may be necessary and beneficial.

What is vitamin B complex?

Vitamins are substances that the body needs to grow and develop normally. Unlike macronutrients, they do not provide energy. We need them only in small quantities, but a deficit can lead to disorders and even some serious diseases.

Specialists have identified 8 components of the vitamin B complex. However, there are a large number of substances to which we have given the same name, but which today we do not consider vitamins. Examples of this are inositol, carnitine or amygdalin.

The B vitamin group supports important bodily functions at the metabolic cellular level. They are water soluble because the body eliminates excess in the urine and there is no possibility of storing them in the body. Therefore, we must consume them daily.

Foods rich in vitamin B
Vitamin B has various bodily functions. It helps every part of the body, from the blood, to the nervous system.

B vitamin complex and their functions

Dosage and commercial presentation

Vitamin B supplements contain all 8 of the substances mentioned above. But it is also possible to find each substance separately in a dietary supplement. The most common way to take vitamin B is in the form of tablets.

The daily requirement of minerals and vitamins is determined by specialized bodies, although the values ​​may be slightly different depending on the region or country. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) ensures that we receive the required amount and avoid deficiencies related to deficiencies. The Office of Dietary Supplements has established the following values ​​for B vitamins:

Daily vitamin B requirement

Uses and benefits of vitamin B

A person’s nutritional status has an important impact on neurological and psychiatric disorders. Certain nutrients have a positive effect on mental health, as a study on the effect of B vitamin supplements on mood has shown.

Moreover, studies show that B vitamins can improve the mood of healthy and sick people. The effects are clearer in cases of stress and depression. However, these positive effects have not yet been analyzed in cases of anxiety.

Specialists have investigated the effects of applying vitamin B on wounds and lesions due to the role it plays in the development of epithelial cells. Certain combinations of vitamin B have a positive influence on lesions. Applying them locally can help the physiological process of wound healing.

Contraindications and side effects

Now that we have learned the main benefits of vitamin B, it is time to discuss the possible side effects.

Because B vitamins do not accumulate in the body, it is difficult to consume amounts that can be toxic from food. You can also take supplements without problems, provided you follow the instructions and follow the dose recommended by your doctor. That being said, before adding a dietary supplement to your diet, it is best to talk to a specialist.

In some cases, side effects may occur. According to the European Food Safety Authority, the side effects of taking B vitamins can be:

The benefits of vitamin B for the body
B vitamins are water soluble because they are excreted daily in the body through urine.

Vitamin B food supplements

To be in good health, you can include vitamin B in your diet, consuming greens, nuts, legumes, lean meat, eggs and mushrooms. If you suffer from an illness or absorption problem, as is often the case during pregnancy, convalescence or old age, you may need dietary supplements.

In addition, you can start taking vitamin B supplements to combat certain health problems. But it is important to consult a specialist before you start doing this, because he can advise you best. Another important point to remember is that you should never exceed the specified dose, as recommended by the manufacturer.

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