Five Tips To Improve Your Memory

Memory is one of the most complex and important functions of the brain, which is why we should all know something about its functioning, even if there are still many ambiguities regarding it.
Five tips to improve your memory

Memory loss is becoming more and more common as we age, especially if we do not take steps to protect ourselves. In this article, we will try to give you some practical tips to improve your memory.

Memory is one of the most complex and important functions of the brain. For this reason, we should all know something about how it works, even if there are still many ambiguities regarding it.

Improve your memory using 5 simple tricks!

Eat chocolate to improve your memories

According to several studies, chocolate can improve your cognitive functions if you consume it in its pure state. Cocoa beans contain a significant amount of flavonoids, very beneficial elements for your health.

They are especially helpful in improving memory, lowering blood pressure and preventing diabetes.

Listen to relaxing sounds while you sleep

Listen to relaxing sounds while sleeping to improve your memory

Several studies in Germany have shown that if we listen to sounds synchronized with the rhythm of slow brain waves when we sleep, we can amplify these waves, thus improving our memory.

Reduce the volume of the headphones to improve your memory

Noise pollution can not only destroy your ears and cause deafness, but can also damage your memory. The researchers performed several experiments on rats. They showed that too much noise can affect the brain cells associated with these two cognitive functions — hearing and memory.

For your brain cells to be affected, it only takes two hours of exposure to loud noises, no higher than 95-97 decibels.

Get rid of abdominal fat to improve your memory

Get rid of abdominal fat to improve your memory

Having a normal weight allows you to have an enviable figure, a healthy heart and a functional circulatory system. It is also a very important thing in terms of memory.

Several studies show that proteins that deal with the metabolism of abdominal fat are also responsible for performing certain functions related to memory control and the ability to learn.

There is a molecule that works in both the liver and the brain. This molecule is called PPAR. When the body needs to metabolize abdominal fat, you lose PPAR protein from the brain. This affects your memory.

Therefore, it is important to control the amount of fat that accumulates in this part of your body. Otherwise, the PPAR protein will deal more with the synthesis of abdominal fat, and your brain will suffer.

Solve integrals to improve your memory

This type of activity has always been recommended for improving memory or at least for delaying its loss. It is very important to keep your mind busy and distract her from issues that may affect your health.

When you put your mind to work, you help it become stronger and work better. One of the easiest ways to do this is to spend a few hours a day going through logic games. You can solve puzzles or do any other activity that will help your mind work better.

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