Get Rid Of Fat With A Glass Of Green Smoothie

By consuming green smoothies, you can eliminate fats from your body while nourishing your body with beneficial nutrients.
Get rid of fat with a glass of green smoothie

Thanks to its rich content of vitamins and minerals,  a green smoothie is the ideal choice for detoxifying the body and burning accumulated fat in the body.

Below we will present you some green smoothie recipes  that, due to their properties, are very effective if you want to burn fat, they help you lose weight naturally, without resorting to all kinds of invasive treatments that could put you health in danger.

Green smoothie with kiwi, spinach and lettuce

Kiwi as an ingredient in a green smoothei for weight loss

By combining these three ingredients, you will get a delicious and healthy smoothie with a high content of fiber, chlorophyll and antioxidants. The diuretic properties of these fruits and vegetables are beneficial if you want to burn fat and lose weight.

In addition, the nutrients provided by this gummy green smoothie will relieve your digestive problems and help you get rid of stress.

To properly prepare this smoothie, you need to peel a kiwi, wash 5 spinach leaves and 3 lettuce leaves and have a spoonful of honey at hand. Put all these ingredients in a food processor and add a glass of boiling water. Mix the ingredients very well and then strain the obtained smoothie, after which you can drink it.

We recommend that you drink this green smoothie at least three times a week, preferably in the morning.

Green smoothie with pear, celery, pineapple, grapefruit and honey

Smoothie with celery and pineapple that burns fat

After mixing all these ingredients, you will get a very tasty drink and very rich in nutrients beneficial to the body. Thanks to its fiber content that helps you eliminate fats and toxins, this smoothie is an excellent natural diuretic.

You can drink this smoothie on an empty stomach for 5 consecutive days. Then take a break for a week, then start over. If your stomach can digest it properly, then you can continue treatment as such. But if you have a problem, drink the smoothie only once a week. You will get the results you want!

To prepare this smoothie, you need half a pear, two stalks of celery, the juice of two grapefruits, a slice of pineapple and a tablespoon of honey. Mix all these ingredients in the food processor and then drink to your heart’s content!

Green fat-burning smoothie

A green parsley smoothie helps you lose weight

This smoothie is extremely useful for burning accumulated body fat. We advise you to drink it in the morning, for 10 days, after which to take a break for another 10 days. This amazing drink is an excellent source of vitamins C and B6, as well as fiber, folic acid, Omega 3, phytonutrients and antioxidants.

To prepare the smoothie, wash a stalk of celery and 7 spinach leaves. You also need half a cup of parsley, a peeled and sliced ​​apple, lemon juice and half a cucumber. Mix all these ingredients in the food processor and drink the smoothie obtained immediately.

You have to keep in mind that all these smoothies are purifying, so they should not be consumed too often. Pay attention to any negative reactions of your body. If you start to feel bad, then stop consuming the juices. Not every body can withstand these treatments.

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