Get Rid Of Flatulence And Indigestion

Get rid of flatulence and indigestion

Anyone has experienced flatulence and indigestion, or stomach pain. In general, it occurs when your body does not process food as it should, digestion is more difficult, takes longer and can create other problems.

It is said that you have “poor digestion” when you face such problems frequently or even daily for several months. Unlike poor digestion, indigestion occurs from time to time, usually lasts less, and is easier to treat.

And flatulence can occur quite often, because it is caused by both poor digestion and indigestion. Flattery is very unpleasant for anyone, especially when it is chronic.

All these digestive problems can be caused by daily habits, so some changes can prevent their occurrence.

Avoid stress and agitation

If you didn’t already know, we remind you that the stomach is a very sensitive organ to emotional problems. When someone suffers from depression or stress or when they go through a difficult period, the stomach feels and pain, inflammation, indigestion and flatulence appear. Maintaining an emotional balance helps digestion.

Eat right if you want to get rid of flatulence and indigestion

Get rid of flatulence and indigestion by eating right

To prevent indigestion and flatulence it is very important to learn to eat right. If you do not chew food well, digestion will be slowed down because your body will have to put in more effort. Also, if you eat fast, you will swallow air and balloon.

It is very important to eat slowly.  Chew food well because saliva facilitates digestion and you will feel full. It is also important not to drink too much water during a meal, as it neutralizes acids, which can make digestion difficult.

Get some rest after dinner

It is good to relax after the meal, so that your stomach has energy for digestion. Do not engage in physical activity and get some rest.  It is a good idea to sit on a sofa or chair. It is also not healthy to sleep long after meals.

Take your medicine after meals

If you want to get rid of flatulence and indigestion.  take medication after meals

Many medications can cause indigestion so you should only use them if needed. If you have to take them daily, it is good to take them in the afternoon to prevent problems.

Eat healthy

What you eat is essential for good digestion and the prevention of flatulence.  There are some foods that can be quite harsh on the stomach and should be avoided.

If you frequently suffer from flatulence and indigestion, you should eliminate foods that are too spicy, acidic, fatty or high in fiber. You should also avoid alcohol, tobacco, carbonated beverages and junk food.

Do not eat before going to bed

Do not eat before bed if you want to get rid of flatulence and indigestion

Many people have a bad habit of eating before going to bed, which can affect digestion. It is recommended to always eat at least 3 hours before going to bed to get rid of flatulence.

Do not forget…

  • Taking into account all these tips every day, you can control your digestion and you can get rid of flatulence and indigestion. It is a good idea to try some natural remedies against digestive problems.
  • Ginger and lemon are good in the fight against flatulence and relieve indigestion.
  • Also, don’t forget that digestive problems should be taken seriously if they occur frequently. If you suffer from pain, indigestion and flatulence more than twice a week, you should consult a doctor.

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