How Do You Recognize The Symptoms Of A Heart Attack?
Even though it is one of the leading causes of death in the world, many people do not know the symptoms of a heart attack. For this reason, patients do not always receive timely treatment. It is important to know how to identify the symptoms and consult a doctor as soon as possible to prevent serious complications or even death.
Heart attacks are one of the leading causes of preventable death because they are lifestyle related. Therefore, we will present you some risk factors related to cardiovascular diseases.
How do you recognize the symptoms of a heart attack?
Myocardial infarctions or heart attacks occur when the arteries are blocked. This causes a lack of blood supply and oxygen cannot reach the myocardial cells.
The speed of treatment and the number of damaged cells will determine the health consequences. Therefore, one of the secrets of surviving a heart attack is the correct and rapid recognition of symptoms.
1. Chest pain
The main symptom is chest pain. Patients describe this pain as a tightness, as if they have a heavy weight on their chest. However, sometimes the pain is not intense. Sometimes people think that pain is due to stress or anxiety.
Chest pain is the most common symptom of a heart attack in men. In women, acute pain in the upper body (neck, back or jaw) is more common. This is one of the reasons why women do not recognize heart attacks as fast as men.
We are used to thinking of chest pain or left arm pain as symptoms of a heart attack. However, back or neck pain can also be very common.
Nausea and vomiting are other symptoms of a heart attack. They occur more often in women than in men. Remember that if someone has nausea and vomiting along with other symptoms, they most likely need immediate medical attention. It could be a heart attack or some other serious problem.
As you can see, the symptoms of a heart attack can vary depending on gender, as well as each person. Usually, they never appear at the same time.
In many cases, at the onset of a heart attack, the person may feel dizzy and may ask to sit down. The symptoms appear and disappear after a few minutes. This is another reason why many people ignore these signs.
Risk factors for heart attack
It is also important to know if the person is at risk. Risk factors associated with heart attack are heart disease, obesity and smoking. In addition, you need to know if the affected person is stressed.
Another factor to consider is age. The risk of having a heart attack increases after the age of 40 in men and 50 in women. Therefore, to prevent heart disease, you can make certain lifestyle changes. For example, you can exercise more, follow a balanced diet low in salts and fats, and quit smoking.
If you have been diagnosed with heart disease or a condition that is a risk factor for a heart attack, follow your cardiologist’s instructions. Also, adopt a healthy lifestyle as soon as possible. We hope you find our guide to recognizing your heart attack symptoms helpful.