How To Remove The Smell From The Drain Pipes
The smell of kitchen and bathroom drains is one of the most common household problems today. This inconvenience can occur no matter how often you use the sinks.
Drain pipes can be affected by mold and unpleasant odors, especially when the weather is very hot or rainy. Deodorant sprays are useful for masking these unpleasant odors, but they are not a long-term solution because they do not treat the cause.
Specialty stores provide us with various chemicals that we can pour to remove the odor from the drain pipes. These substances clog the pipes. But the disadvantage of chemicals is that they can be very aggressive and harmful to both our health and the environment.
Fortunately, there are many equally useful natural remedies that we can prepare at home using inexpensive ingredients. In today’s article we invite you to discover a simple trick to remove the smell from the kitchen and bathroom drain pipes. Don’t hesitate to try it!
Why does the smell on the drain pipes unpleasant?
In the following we present in detail how you can prepare a natural cleaning agent that will help you eliminate the unpleasant odor from the kitchen and bathroom drain pipes.
But first we want to explain to you the reasons why this problem occurs, so that you avoid it in the future. Most of the time, these unpleasant odors are the consequence of certain daily habits that many of us are guilty of.
Detergents and soaps
Detergents and soaps leave chemical residues in the sink, and these substances tend to accumulate in the drain pipes. Eventually, the residue will decompose and produce an unpleasant odor.
This problem cannot be easily avoided. However, you can reduce the chances of unpleasant odors if you opt for high-quality detergents and soaps.
Water accumulation
There are certain sections of drainpipes where water can stagnate, creating an environment conducive to the proliferation of bacteria and mold. Although it is almost impossible to prevent this, it is advisable to clean the drain pipes regularly to prevent the spread of bacteria.
Sealing of drain pipes
Drain pipes connected to sinks and toilet bowls may degrade over time due to moisture and mold. As a result, they will begin to emit an unpleasant odor, aggravated by the subsequent development of bacteria.
In addition to breaking down faster, old drainpipes are an ideal environment for the proliferation of yeasts and bacteria. Water and decomposed residues form a layer that can completely clog the pipes.
Food scraps
Food debris that accidentally enters the drain is the main cause of the smell on the drain pipes. It is essential to install a siphon in the sink to catch food debris that comes off the dishes when you wash them.
Trick to remove unpleasant odor from the drain pipes
Now that you know the main causes of the unpleasant odor emanating from your sinks, we advise you to try the following trick to fix the problem naturally.
All you have to do is combine baking soda with white vinegar. These two organic ingredients will kill mushrooms, eliminate fat deposits and remove any other substances that produce unpleasant odors.
- ½ cup (100 g) of baking soda
- 1 cup (200 ml) white vinegar
- ½ l of hot water
- First, heat the water until it reaches boiling point.
- As soon as it starts to boil, add the white vinegar and mix well.
- Meanwhile, pour the baking soda onto the drain pipe you want to clean.
- Pour the mixture of hot water and white vinegar over the drain so that it combines with baking soda.
- You will immediately notice an effervescent reaction. (Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal for this to happen.)
- Cover the drain for one hour to prevent water or any other substance from entering.
- For best results, allow the mixture to act overnight.
Apply this trick at least once a week to prevent odor from the drain pipes.
As you can see, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to keep your drain pipes clean and free of unpleasant odors. In addition, the trick presented above allows you to avoid the use of aggressive chemicals that are harmful to the environment.