I Want To Get You Out Of My Thoughts
I want to get you out of my thoughts, but I don’t know how. My mind seems to control me and even if I want to free it from your image, I can’t.
It’s very unpleasant. It’s not just about pressing memories, but also about negative emotions and feelings that tempt me.
My mind is also preoccupied with worries, doubts or questions such as: “If I acted differently…” or “What would have happened if the situation was different?”
I don’t know how to proceed, but I want to get you out of my thoughts once and for all.
Thoughts overwhelm me
The first step to getting a person out of your mind is not to ignore all the thoughts, ideas and emotions mixed up in your head. It is normal not to want to face them, because they miss you too much. But if you don’t do that, you won’t be able to stop thinking about that man who is no longer part of your life.
- Analyze your thoughts: what feelings do they provoke in you and why? Ask yourself if these ideas are logical and why they come up so often in your mind.
- You worry too much? Sometimes we doubt our decisions and choices. These are the so-called “regrets”. Give them up. If you look at the situation from the outside, you will see that all your worries are unfounded.
- Take fear into account: Maybe the reason you can’t get that person out of your mind is the fear of loneliness.
- Don’t compare your life with his / her: Comparisons put you in a circle of negativity that never allows you to feel comfortable and satisfied.
It is important to follow these steps to accept thoughts that do not give you peace and to enjoy all the other benefits they offer.
I will focus on other things
Once you have faced all the thoughts about that person, they will follow their course. In other words, they will temporarily cross your mind, then disappear.
However, there will always be other thoughts that cause you anxiety, sadness, melancholy and doubt. For these, there is another solution: focus on other things.
The best technique to forget about someone is to do something new and focus on what you like. Now you have time for yourself, so capitalize on it. Go out with friends, meet new people, focus on work, organize the trip you’ve always wanted to go on, and so on.
All these activities will keep you busy and help you get out of your mind the person you want to forget, even if you think about it from time to time.
You may be wondering if this technique is just a way to escape the problem itself. The answer is no, as long as you have already followed the steps presented above. This would be the second stage in the process of forgetting and healing.
To get you out of my thoughts, I will stop dreaming about you
The situation has not been resolved definitively. You still feel bad and you can’t forget that person. This is because you still dream of her and your relationship.
When you idealize something, you create various fantasies and develop a wrong idea about what will happen. This is rooted in your mind and you can’t stop thinking about that person.
In your head there is still the image of all the meetings, kisses and various situations you have gone through. You remember them all with a smile on your face, but it soon turns to tears. It’s torture, because you know all these fantasies are going nowhere. They are just illusions and painful memories of something that no longer exists.
However, even if you put into practice all our recommendations and others that work in your case, only time will put everything in its place. You will not be able to get an important person out of your mind from one day to the next. It is a complex process that requires time and, above all, acceptance.
If you deny the reality, complain or indulge in suffering, the difficult situation will last even longer. Therefore, you must learn to accept what is happening to you, not to give up and wait. Sooner or later, the pain will go away.
Today I take you out of my thoughts because I have the strength and the will to do it.