Lose Weight With Ground Flax Seeds!

Flax seeds have many benefits and can be consumed in various forms, added to food or even to healthy sticks and smoothies. 
Lose weight with ground flax seeds!

Have you ever heard of the wonderful benefits that ground flax seeds offer us ? They have become one of the most popular foods in recent years.

Flax seeds have incredible nutritional properties and are a perfect dietary supplement if we want to lose weight. Want to know more? If so, then read on!

Flax seeds: how can they help us lose weight?

Flax seeds are obtained from flax plants, a natural source of Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These seeds come from Egypt and are consumed today all over the world. They can be purchased as whole grains, ground or in the form of oil or capsules.

In this article we will focus on ground flax seeds, this variant being ideal if you want to lose weight. If you’re wondering why, the answer is simple: flaxseed oil oxidizes and contains large amounts of unsaturated fats.

That being said, we recommend that you buy whole flax seeds and grind them yourself at home. It’s not hard at all!

Health benefits of ground flax seeds

Flax seeds are a very healthy food

Where to start? Flax seeds give us so many incredible health benefits!

  • Flax seeds are an excellent source of dietary fiber that you should not ignore. You can easily include them in your daily diet.
  • Soluble fiber allows the regulation of blood pressure  and blood sugar, reduces inflammation and protects the bacterial flora, so that nutrients can be more easily absorbed by the body.
  • Flax seeds contain Omega-3 fatty acids, essential for our health. In addition, they also contain linoleic acid, a basic component of eicosanoids that fights inflammation, prevents arthritis, eczema and asthma.
  • One of the best known uses of flaxseed is for  treating constipation. If you are constipated, it is advisable to eat ground flax seeds with plenty of fluids.
  • Studies show that flax seeds can help treat diverticulitis, but only if this condition is in its infancy.
  • Flax seeds are also an incredible detoxifier, which can cleanse your intestines immediately.
  • These seeds reduce cholesterol levels and protect cells from clotting, bleeding and arrhythmias.
  • Thanks to their flavonoid content, flax seeds are useful for relieving menopausal symptoms.
  • In addition, flax seeds are rich in vitamin B, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and thiamine, but also very few calories!

How does ground flaxseed help us lose weight?

Ground flax seeds help you lose weight

When we eat ground flax seeds, we are filled with a feeling of satiety. In addition, they regulate our body and provide us with the nutrients we need.

Ground flax seeds have properties that make them an ideal food if we want to lose weight, largely thanks to their content of elements that burn fat,  fiber that give us a feeling of satiety and Omega-3 fatty acids. These seeds will help us digest fats more easily and eliminate harmful ones immediately.

But how can we consume ground flax seeds?

Flax seeds can be included in a salad

It’s not hard at all: you can add ground flax seeds to salads or other types of dishes, but you can also dissolve them in water or juices and drink them before breakfast. It should also be noted that flax seeds are often used as an egg substitute in many recipes.

Simply add a tablespoon of flax seeds and three tablespoons of water to each egg you need to use. In addition, ground flax seeds reduce the time required to cook food.

Below we will present some interesting ways in which you can use ground flax seeds. And don’t forget: thanks to their nutrient content and the feeling of satiety that these seeds offer, you will no longer feel the need to eat snacks between meals.

The most important thing is to have a healthy diet, rich in fiber, protein, vegetables and fruits. Eat ground flax seeds and your life will improve considerably!

How to eat flax seeds

  • You can mix ground flax seeds (about two tablespoons) with orange juice for breakfast.
  • If you want to eat  fruit, first sprinkle about two tablespoons of ground flax seeds over them.
  • If you want to start your day full of energy and health, you can prepare a tasty smoothie made from oat milk, apple, a little cinnamon and two tablespoons of ground flax seeds.
  • You can try to make a sandwich using a few slices of avocado, a handful of salad (dark green or purple) and a tomato. Add a tablespoon of ground flax seeds and you will get an incredible sandwich!
  • If you want to prepare a tofu schnitzel or a spicy bean sandwich, do not hesitate to use flax seeds. Thanks to the fact that these seeds considerably reduce the cooking time, you will get incredible results without changing the delicious taste of these dishes.
  • Every time you make a salad, include ground flax seeds in your list of ingredients!

If, for example, you fancy a salad of spinach or black cabbage, flax seeds will add a new dimension to your meal. Includes a little pineapple or pomegranate, a few nuts, a little lemon juice or a generous amount of grated lemon peel. Add a pinch of pepper and a few drops of flaxseed oil , and the salad will impress you. (You can use flaxseed oil in moderate amounts, but don’t overdo it. But you can eat flaxseeds ground to your heart’s content.)

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