Mindfulness Meditation: 5 Exercises For A Good Sleep
Mindfulness meditation is a technique that has begun to be integrated in recent years into Western medicine and psychology. It is used to combat stress, increase self-awareness and reduce the symptoms caused by stress, both physically and mentally.
All the positive effects offered by mindfulness meditation are obtained through simple exercises that help you pay attention to your own consciousness, but also to enjoy every moment through interest, curiosity and acceptance.
Among other things, mindfulness meditation is an excellent solution for better sleep. This technique improves the quality of sleep in adults who suffer from certain moderate sleep disorders.
By using mindfulness meditation, you establish a program that changes your old sleep schedule. Thus, you manage to sleep much better.
In general, it is important to learn to give yourself time only for yourself. Some people live in constant stress. For them, finding five minutes a day to reconnect with their self can be a difficult task.
In reality, investing 10, 15 or 20 minutes a day for your own well-being is not much. Take this into account and implement our recommendations.
The time has come to give special importance to “full consciousness.” After all, it’s just a matter of adopting the right attitude. In this way, you will pay more attention to the present without criticizing it and you will be able to show more compassion towards yourself and other people.
You can not get the benefits mentioned unless you can really see what is happening inside, but also around you.
Read on to find out more about this topic!
1. To achieve a state of mindfulness, breathing is essential
To reach the state of full consciousness, one of the essential factors is breathing. It is important to learn certain breathing techniques.
If you practice deep and complete breathing for five minutes a day, you will notice a huge difference. You will undoubtedly enjoy a much better and more restful sleep than before.
2. Create a state of well-being
It is very important to know yourself well. You need to know how you can create a positive state of complete relaxation.
There can be many methods, such as: listening to a song, watching a video, closing your eyes, remembering a pleasant event, taking a walk or playing a sport.
There are many things we can do to distract ourselves from the stressful aspects of life and we don’t need to invest too much time.
We just need to escape to another mental space to gain a new perspective on our own feelings. In this way, we can relax completely.
3. Learn an exercise to become aware of your own body
Through this exercise, you can make contact with your own body exactly as it is, that is, without criticizing it. You should not reject uncomfortable sensations or stay in your comfort zone.
This exercise is a kind of body examination. To practice it, you need to sit in a comfortable position.
- Keep your back straight or lie down.
- Close your eyes and pay attention to your breathing.
- Examine your own body to find out how it feels.
- You will immediately notice a difference!
4. Start your day without stress
To start your day without stress, you need to stay in a quiet place. That means you have to turn off the TV to be completely quiet. In addition, it is advisable to keep your mobile phone at a distance. You don’t have to be distracted by anything.
When sitting at the table, try to focus on the taste, smell and texture of all the food and drinks served. Feel them! In this way, you pay special attention to the present. Full consciousness from the morning will be very helpful.
5. Meditate mindfulness and the sounds around you
This exercise consists of paying attention to all the sounds around you. Keep listening to them as they are. Do not try to identify or categorize them as pleasant or annoying. Don’t think about them.
Without any effort, listen to the sounds. Give up all other external perceptions. When your attention is distracted, notice what the disturbing factor was, then listen to the sounds again.
We recommend that you also use a breathing technique during this wonderful exercise that is part of midfulness meditation.
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