Natural Remedies For Boils

These large pimples are very common and can occur on any part of the body, but the areas most affected by boils are the armpits, buttocks, shoulders and inside the thighs.
Natural remedies for boils

Painful boils are a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become infected. These injuries are not serious, but they can be very painful, as the affected area is sometimes extremely irritated. Below we will present some natural remedies for boils and how you can use them.

What are the causes of boils?

These boils appear at first as slightly painful red dots. But as time goes on, the pain intensifies and the basket enlarges due to inflammation.

Most boils result from a bacterial infection (especially Staphylococcus aureus), but this is not the only reason it forms. Here are the other possible causes:

  • Blood infection
  • Diabetes
  • Improper hygiene
  • Poor nutrition

Natural remedies for boils

Tips and natural remedies for boils
  • Apply to the boil a small portion of the membrane that is in the eggshell.
  • Make a poultice of grated raw carrots and some wheat germ. Apply the mixture directly on the boil and cover with a clean cloth.
  • Apply hot compresses at least three times a day. After these boils break, continue the treatment until you remove all the pus.
  • Add to a bowl a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast and a tablespoon of wheat flour. Mix well until you get a fine paste and apply it on the affected area. Cover with a cloth and let the mixture act overnight. 
  • Do you face this problem frequently? If so, boil 80 grams of nettle in a liter of water and drink the liquid in three equal portions throughout the day. This infusion cleanses the body and blood.

Other recommendations and natural remedies for boils

Don’t break the boil!

A boil is a delicate lesion and it is dangerous to put pressure on it, as it allows bacteria to infiltrate the blood, spreading the infection to other parts of the body (sepsis).

If the boil is located on the lips or nose, it is risky to break it, because the infection can even reach the brain (meningitis).

The affected area must be kept clean

Natural remedies for boils and their cleaning

It is very important to keep the whole area around the boil clean. Wash that area with a piece of cotton wool or a cleansing disc in which you soaked a little rubbing alcohol or iodine.

Clean the area at least three or four times a day. Do not clean yourself when you take a bath, but when you take a shower, so as not to infect other parts of the body or other people.

When cleaning boils, use suitable gloves,  but whether you use them or not, do not forget to wash your hands very well after cleaning the affected area, as well as before cooking, so as not to spread the infection.

Signs that warn you to see a doctor

Natural signs and remedies for boils

If you treat boils and experience any of the following symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible, as these signs indicate that the infection is spreading:

  • The boil is surrounded by a large red area.
  • The lymph nodes near the boil are painful.
  • A red line appears in the area around the boil, moving away from that region.


A boil is not a serious problem, but you can take certain precautions to make sure that this condition does not spread, does not get worse and does not turn into an infection that requires specialized treatment.

We hope you enjoyed this article on natural remedies for boils!

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