Remedies For High Blood Pressure
Doctors call hypertension the “silent killer” because of the negative effects it has on us. There are several remedies for high blood pressure that you can try to improve your health. Read on and you will discover them!
High blood pressure – causes and symptoms
As already mentioned, high blood pressure can be caused by several factors, such as a sedentary lifestyle, excessive consumption of salt or processed foods, lack of exercise, etc.
However, this condition can be greatly aggravated by hormonal abnormalities, kidney or cardiovascular disease, the use of certain drugs or contraceptives and the consumption of alcohol.
The most common symptoms of high blood pressure are headache, shortness of breath, redness of the face, excessive sweating, high pulse, blurred vision, dizziness, a ringing in the ears, nosebleeds, nervousness, insomnia, physical weakness, etc.
High blood pressure is a very serious condition that can cause strokes, heart attacks and kidney problems. Because of this, measure your blood pressure every week and try to keep it under control.
High blood pressure can affect you at any age, but most often it affects people over the age of 30. Blood pressure should be measured to determine how much effort the heart puts into pumping blood (systolic blood pressure) and how long it needs to rest between beats (diastolic blood pressure).
Remedies for high blood pressure
- Put a whole lemon in the mixer and add a handful of parsley. Mix well and drink the juice obtained on an empty stomach every morning. You can also drink lemon juice mixed with a cup of water every morning, before breakfast.
- Prepare a bowl of oatmeal with orange juice, milk, yogurt or just water. This dish contains a lot of fiber, which prevents constipation, and will regulate not only your blood pressure, but also your cholesterol level.
- Remedies for hypertension – celery is a wonderful food if you want to relieve high blood pressure. You can include it in your daily diet by adding it as an ingredient in salads or soups.
- Dark chocolate is also very good for combating high blood pressure, thanks to all its beneficial properties. But avoid milk chocolate and white chocolate.
- Drink up to three cups of green tea each day. Several studies have shown that this tea lowers blood pressure.
- Remedies for hypertension – garlic promotes dilation of arteries. All you have to do is crush a clove of garlic and add it to a cup of hot water and you will get a wonderful tea, which you can sweeten with honey.
- Rosehips are a popular and useful food to reduce hypertension. In addition, these fruits can clog blood vessels and increase the transmission of signals to the nerves. Make some rosehip tea and drink it every day.
- Make a cucumber and water smoothie, which you can drink every day.
- Put ten drops of lavender essential oil on a cloth and then inhale the aroma. This natural remedy is very useful especially if your blood pressure has suddenly increased.
Other remedies for high blood pressure
- Remedies for hypertension – put a handful of olive leaves in a liter of water and boil the mixture. Then strain the obtained tea and put it in a glass container. You can drink up to two cups a day.
- Boil two graviola leaves and two oranges in a pint of water for ten minutes. Take the mixture off the heat, let it cool, and then strain it. You can drink up to two cups each day.
- In a bowl, place a small chopped onion, seven cloves of garlic and lemon juice. Pour water over the ingredients and let the mixture ferment overnight.
- Mix five drops of lavender oil, five drops of marjoram oil and 20 ml of jojoba oil. Massage this mixture on your chest.
- Mix two tablespoons of lime juice, a little horsetail, some birch and a fennel root in a cup of water and boil the mixture for three minutes.
- Squeeze 15 peeled and pitted grapes, and then mix the juice obtained with half a glass of water. Drink this mixture before breakfast for ten days.
- Put an eggplant, sliced but with the skin intact, in a mixer. Add water and turn on the mixer, and then strain the liquid obtained and drink a glass before breakfast for ten days.
- Make a smoothie using 56 grams of spinach, a tablespoon of honey, some lemon juice and a cup of water. Drink a glass of this smoothie once a day for three days.