Symptoms And Treatment Of Abulia

Abulia is characterized by feelings and phrases that denote apathy. The patient does not feel like doing anything and this can be an early sign of depression.
Symptoms and treatment of abulia

“I have no power for anything,” “I don’t care,” “I try, but I can’t.” These are the most common phrases that patients say during therapy sessions. What are the symptoms and treatment of abulia?

Abulia takes the form of extreme apathy and manifests itself in a lack of interest, will and energy to carry out any activity, whether it is something simple or something more complex, depending on the case.

Symptoms associated with abulia

Regarding the severity of the symptom, its presence is not a problem in itself because, many times in life, we may have difficulty starting an action or we do not feel motivated. The problem lies in its persistence over time. It is important to know that abulia is part of mood disorders, such as dysthymia or depression.

Man suffering from depression
Abulia can be another symptom of depression, which announces a mood disorder.

What causes it?

As for the causes, as in all situations or problems in psychology, there is no single origin. On the contrary, the disorder can have many variations.

In some cases, we are talking about neuroendocrine disorders (due to increased cortisol production). At the neurological level, there are studies that talk about structural or functional impairments of different areas of the brain, such as basal ganglia lesions.

Changes in the levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine occur in mood disorders, such as depression . Therefore, one option is to address the symptom pharmacologically with antidepressants.

Abulia can also occur due to psychological or psychosocial factors, when particularly stressful situations or traumatic memories persist.

How is abulia diagnosed?

Starting from the recognition of the complexity of the phenomenon and its possible multicausality, the diagnosis must be comprehensive, investigating the situation at the neurobiological and psychological level.

It is important to pay attention to individual aspects, reconstructing the patient’s life history and possible adverse events. We must also analyze the social factors that could have triggered apathy or that could support it.

In establishing the diagnosis, interviews with the patient are of the utmost importance. The testimony of family members can also be helpful. The more information there is, the better the treatment plan can be established.

Abulia treatment

The treatment depends very much on the diagnosis reached. As mentioned, abulia is a symptom of several disorders. In general, a combination of psychotherapy and pharmacology can be done if deemed necessary.

Regarding the type of therapy, although there are several approaches, the cognitive one is one of the most used options, because it acts on the restructuring of beliefs and thoughts that the patient may have about himself and his current state. Behavioral activation is also part of the interventions used today.

Psychoeducation is also very important, both to facilitate the understanding of the problem and to make the patient the protagonist of his change. This allows for the adoption of self-care measures and the progressive improvement of the quality of life.

Tips for abulia not to control your life

One of the greatest difficulties of abolition is related to the established vicious circle. For example, as the affected person loses interest in relationships, this causes discouragement, which further strengthens apathy. It is important to take small actions to destroy the vicious circle.

Asking for help is a challenge for people with disabilities. In general, apathy, low self-esteem and emotional inhibition function as obstacles.

For people with apathy, anything, no matter how minor, is a difficult task. Therefore, you should try to involve them in small and realistic activities, gradually.

For example, suggest that you go for a 30-minute walk together every day. If you succeed, this achievement should be appreciated and celebrated, motivating and supporting it to continue in the same direction.

Treatment of abulia requires support
Supporting the patient with abulia is fundamental. Celebrating his achievements and accompanying him in specific activities are ways to encourage him.

People with apathy will not want to participate in any activity because they have lost their motivation. However, those around them should encourage them to accept proposals, even if they are reluctant. This way, it is easier to normalize the situation and arouse interest.

The family can accompany the patient, offering him emotional support, encouraging socialization and dialogue and expressing his emotions and feelings. As part of the recovery, the plans presented include not only the therapist and the patient, but also the family.

Abulia treatment does not solve the problem overnight

The treatment of abulia requires patience. The steps are small, but their initiation is a huge achievement.

It is essential to be realistic in your goals and treatment so that frustration does not arise. It is equally important to have a supportive environment that can accompany the person on the path to feeling better. Isolation worsens the abulia.

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