The Main Ways To Treat Crohn’s Disease

Treatments for Crohn’s disease focus on relieving symptoms in several ways.
The main ways to treat Crohn's disease

The most popular ways to treat Crohn’s disease involve preventing and controlling seizures. As the causes of this condition are still unknown, there is no cure for it. But patients have various ways to relieve the symptoms experienced.

There are several ways to treat Crohn’s disease:

  • Drug treatments
  • Dietary treatments
  • Surgical treatment
  • Other treatments
Ways to treat Crohn's disease that affects the intestines

5 ways to treat Crohn’s disease with medication

Most treatments for Crohn’s disease focus on medication. The main pharmacological groups used to treat this condition are:

  • Antibiotics
  • 5-ASA
  • Glucocorticoids
  • Immunosuppressants
  • Biological therapies


Doctors prescribe antibiotics to combat the excessive proliferation of bacteria in the small intestine. Their abnormal development may be a consequence of complications of Crohn’s disease (restrictions, fistulas and surgery), as well as anal or perianal infections.

The most commonly used antibiotics in the treatment of Crohn’s disease are:

  • Metranidazole
  • Ciprofloxacin
  • Ampicillin
  • Sulfonamides

Patients using these medicines may experience the following side effects:

  • Nausea
  • A metallic taste in the mouth
  • Negative reactions when consuming alcoholic beverages


5-aminosalicitates (5-ASA) are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that can relieve inflammation of the colon caused by Crohn’s disease.

The most popular 5-ASA drugs are sulfasalazine and mesalazine. Both are given orally, but are also available as suppositories or enemas. 5-aminosalicates are recommended for patients who do not tolerate steroids.

The main side effects caused by 5-ASA drugs are:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache


Ways to treat Crohn's disease that can cause side effects

Glucocorticoids are a type of hormonal treatment to reduce inflammation. Doctors administer glucocorticoids only in the acute stages of Crohn’s disease. As soon as the symptoms are relieved, treatment should be stopped to prevent side effects.

The most popular glucocorticoids are:

  • Budesonide: This medicine is used when Crohn’s disease affects the terminal ileum.
  • Prednisone: It is used in the worst cases.

Glucocorticoids can cause the following side effects:

  • Water retention
  • Osteoporosis
  • Gastritis
  • Acne
  • Cataract

Steroids have a rebound effect, so treatment should not be stopped abruptly. It is recommended to reduce the dose gradually.

Immunosuppressive drugs

Immunosuppressive drugs weaken the immune system to prevent inflammatory reactions. In the long run, these pharmaceuticals reduce inflammation. We can use immunosuppressants to prevent seizures caused by Crohn’s disease or when corticosteroid treatments do not work.

The most popular immunosuppressive drugs are:

  • Azathioprine
  • 6-mercaptopurine: Although it is generally used to treat leukemia, this drug has an immunosuppressive action in patients with Crohn’s disease. Unfortunately, 6-mercaptopurine frequently causes side effects such as:
    • Nausea
    • Fatigue
    • Infertility
  • Methotrexate: Both women and men should stop taking this medicine for 3 months before trying to conceive a child. Metatrexate can cause teratogenic defects in the embryo.

Unfortunately, the use of immunosuppressive drugs carries an increased risk of developing infections because the immune system becomes weakened.

Biological therapies

Ways to treat Crohn's disease with medication

When it comes to treating Crohn’s disease, the most useful biological therapy is with anti-TFA-alpha monoclonal antibodies, which eliminate the TFA (Tumor Necrosis Factor) protein that causes inflammation.

Therapy with these antibodies is supplemented with immunosuppressive drugs when treatment or surgery does not provide the desired results.

The most popular biologics used to treat Crohn’s disease are:

  • Infliximab (given as an infusion and may cause allergic reactions)
  • Adalimumab (given as an injection every 2 weeks)
  • Certolizumabul

Dietary treatments

Diet is one of the easiest ways to treat Crohn's disease

Diet is a key factor in treating Crohn’s disease because patients are prone to loss of appetite and malabsorption. Affected people need to follow a balanced diet because Crohn’s disease causes various complications.

A balanced diet requires that 50-55% of the nutrients ingested be carbohydrates, 30-35% be lipids or fats, and 12-15% be proteins.

In addition, patients should consume only small amounts of fiber and, depending on personal needs, vitamins and minerals. It is recommended that they serve several meals throughout the day and drink plenty of water.

Patients with Crohn’s disease should avoid spicy or high-fiber foods, as well as carbonated, caffeinated or alcoholic beverages.

Even if they follow a balanced diet, those affected are prone to severe malnutrition. In this case, they will need special dietary products or parenteral nutrition (which can only be performed in the hospital).

Many foods can cause side effects in those affected by Crohn’s disease, which is why they should be avoided. These harmful foods include:

  • Dairy products (contain a protein called casein)
  • Gluten-free products
  • Wheat
  • maize
  • yeast
  • Certain fruits and vegetables

Recommended diets to control the symptoms of Crohn’s disease are gluten-free and low in FODMAP (ie low in a long-chain carbohydrate that the small intestine cannot absorb properly).

Vitamin supplements can be taken to relieve symptoms that occur during seizures or to induce remission.  One of the most useful ways to treat Crohn’s disease is to take vitamin D supplements.

Calcium-based supplements are more controversial, being associated with an increased risk of arterial calcification and myocardial infarction.


The main goal of surgery is to help patients regain their health and well-being when complications occur, but also to prevent prolongation of ineffective drug treatments.

Surgery is not a definitive cure for Crohn’s disease, but this measure is essential in certain situations (intestinal perforation, abscesses, hemorrhages, failure of drug treatment, intestinal obstruction, fistulas).

The operation will consist of removing the inflamed part of the digestive tract and reconnecting the remaining sections.

Other ways to treat Crohn’s disease

Alternatives to treatments aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease involve the adoption of healthy habits. The most recommended measures are:

  • Quitting smoking
  • Rest (reducing the level of emotional stress is a habit as useful for relieving symptoms during crises as pharmaceutical treatments)

Although it is a chronic condition that produces severe episodes, patients with Crohn’s disease can enjoy a relatively normal life.

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