Toothache – 10 Natural Remedies

If you want to relieve a toothache naturally, it is essential to maintain proper oral hygiene. You have at your disposal various natural remedies that can help you for this purpose.
Toothache - 10 natural remedies

Toothache is one of the most annoying health problems we can face in life. It is impossible to ignore them, because they are an alarm signal that indicates a condition in the teeth.

Toothaches can be intense, dull and throbbing, intensifying within a few hours and may be accompanied by other physiological symptoms.

Nowadays, due to technological and medical advances, treating toothaches and discovering their causes has become much easier. However, we often do not have enough time to get to the dentist’s office or it is impossible for us to procure the necessary medicines to relieve the pain.

So, in order to be prepared to face any emergency, in the following we will present you some natural remedies that you can prepare with ingredients that you probably already have at home.

10 natural remedies to relieve toothache

1. Adequate oral hygiene

You can prevent toothache with proper oral hygiene

One of the first steps needed to prevent toothache is to maintain complete and proper oral hygiene. One of the main causes of these pains is the accumulation of bacteria on the teeth, gums or tongue. These microorganisms must be killed in order to maintain our oral health.

How to proceed

  • Use dental floss to clean the space around your aching tooth. Removes any food residue well.
  • Brush your teeth as usual and rinse with mouthwash.

2. Parsley remedy

Parsley contains anti-inflammatory substances that can reduce discomfort and inflammation.

How to proceed

  • Chew a little fresh parsley several times a day.
  • This trick will help you relieve the pain you feel, but also to refresh your breath.

3. Remedy with salt

Salt has a very strong antiseptic effect, relieving the pain caused by abscesses or infections resulting from the decomposition of food between the molars.

How to proceed

  • Dilute a tablespoon of salt in half a glass of water. Gargle with this salt water after each meal.

4. Garlic remedy

Garlic relieves toothache

Thanks to its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effects, garlic is one of the best ingredients to treat infections and toothaches.

How to proceed

  • Grind a little garlic to squeeze the juice. Apply garlic juice directly on the affected tooth and gum.

5. Remedy with black tea

Black tea has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, being rich in tannic acid. This active ingredient relieves toothache.

How to proceed

  • Put a sachet of black tea in hot water. As soon as the water has cooled, apply the sachet to the affected area.
  • To get the most out of the analgesic effect of this drink, we advise you to drink the prepared tea.

6. Alcohol remedy

It is not the sanitary alcohol used to treat wounds, but the alcoholic beverage, such as whiskey or rum. In small quantities, these drinks have an antiseptic and antiviral effect, being an easy and safe way to treat oral infections.

How to proceed

  • Pour an alcoholic beverage into a small glass and gargle with it for a few minutes.

7. Remedy with whole cloves

Use cloves to relieve toothache

This popular spice contains a substance called eugenol, which has a useful sedative effect to relieve toothache.

How to proceed

  • Apply the cloves directly on the affected area for a few minutes.
  • Another option is to soak the cloves in a little mouthwash and apply the treatment three times a day.

8. Remedy with lemon juice

Lemon juice has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. Thus, it can improve oral health, prevent various types of infections and relieve toothache.

How to proceed

  • Squeeze the juice of a lemon and apply the liquid on the affected area.
  • Another option is to mix lemon juice with a little salt and gargle with the mixture.

9. Onion remedy

Onion remedy for toothache

Onion juice contains antibiotics and anti-inflammatory substances that can reduce inflammation.

How to proceed

  • Cut a small slice of onion, apply it on the tooth and squeeze the juice.

10. Remedy with hydrogen peroxide

Toothaches caused by infections can also be accompanied by bad breath (halitosis). To fix the problem, you can use a little hydrogen peroxide.

How to proceed

  • Soak a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide and apply it on the tooth.
  • You can prepare a natural mouthwash using hydrogen peroxide (1/4 of the composition) and normal water (3/4 of the composition).

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