What Does The Abnormal Color Of Urine Say About Health
We must recognize that this is a subject that many avoid. There are quite a few people who go to the toilet without caring too much about the details of the “result”, forgetting that doctors recommend us to check the abnormal color of urine.
It is important to pay attention to this, whether you are in pain or not. Urine color can give you clues about an unbalanced diet, various diseases, lack of hydration, etc.
Whether it is due to diet, inflammation or drug treatment, the abnormal color of the urine gives you clear clues about your health and you need to pay attention to it.
The link between health and abnormal urine color
First you need to know that urine is the result of a filtration that takes place in the kidneys. The mixture of water and toxins resulting from this process reaches the bladder and must be eliminated.
Depending on the food you eat and how your body performs certain functions, such as breathing and sweating, you will excrete more or less urine. Here’s what the abnormal color of urine says about your health:
Transparent urine
Colorless urine is a good sign. This means that your body is properly hydrated. When you drink enough water, the kidneys filter the urine more easily, and this gives it a lighter shade.
Intense yellow urine
This color should give you a little thought. This means that you do not drink enough fluids, and your kidneys need to work harder to filter your urine. The body accumulates a greater amount of toxic elements.
It’s not something particularly serious. You just need to hydrate better. Also, this shade may be due to excessive sweating, after intense physical exertion.
Dark yellow urine
This abnormal color of urine is a serious signal and you need to worry. It is clear that you need to consult a doctor. An intense yellow shows that you have a liver problem. It could be jaundice. Examine your eyes. See if they also have a yellowish hue. Fatigue and low tone are other symptoms associated with this condition.
Reddish-brown urine
You probably have a kidney problem. The reddish-brown color may be the result of inflammation and the presence of small traces of blood in the urine. You may have kidney stones and your urinary tract may suffer from this blockage. This condition is usually accompanied by pain.
Orange urine
These cases are quite rare. What is the explanation for the shade of orange? More than likely there is an excess of vitamin C in your body, an excess that the kidneys eliminate.
If orange urine appears in a single day, reduce your intake of vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C for at least five days. Reduce consumption, but do not eliminate them completely.
Blue urine
Are you wonderful? Well, strange as it may seem, there are cases like this. This nuance is caused by an excess of calcium or the existence of a bacterial infection.
This nuance occurs in those who resort to vitamins and nutritional supplements, due to excessive consumption or contamination with other substances that affect the whole body. Be very careful with supplements, do not consume them without the recommendation of a specialist! If you notice any other symptoms, be sure to consult your doctor.
Red urine
This abnormal color of urine can have two causes . The first of these can be very serious, indicating the presence of blood in your urine. In this case, you should consult your doctor immediately. You may have bladder or kidney problems. The analysis will explain exactly.
The second cause is completely harmless. Urine turns red if you have consumed large amounts of beets, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and other berries that day. You only need to worry if this color persists in the next few days. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor.