What Is The Kosher Diet And Who Can Use It?

Do you know what a kosher diet is? It is a complex diet that Jews follow. On this occasion, we will tell you what it consists of, what it contains and what its rules are. Find out all about the kosher diet!
What is a kosher diet and who can use it?

Wondering what the kosher diet is and who can use it? Kosher diet is not a style of cooking. It goes beyond this because it is rooted in a set of dietary rules of Judaism, known as kashrut. Not all Jews follow it, but for those who do, it is a way to show reverence for God and connect with their faith and communities.

The English word Kosher derives from the Hebrew root Kashér, which means “adequate”, “pure” or “suitable for consumption”. The basic rules of this diet are of biblical origin and consider only those foods that follow the established precepts, which are called Kosher or Casher. The other foods are called Trefá or Taref.

Want to know more about this? Although Kosher’s laws are extensive and complex, below we will explore this type of diet in a simple way and tell you who can use it.

What is the kosher diet and what is it based on?

The laws for following a kosher diet are collectively known as Kashrut and are found in the Torah, the first part of the Jewish Bible. Dr. David Kramer tells us that instructions for applying these rules in a practical way are passed on through oral tradition.

Specifically, they define the foods that a person may or may not eat and how they should be produced, processed and handled before being consumed. It also determines which food combinations to avoid. Practicing Jews are convinced that following a kosher diet is the fulfillment of God’s will.

The three categories on which this diet is based are:

Foods included in the kosher diet
The kosher diet is a strict diet that comes from Judaism.

Foods to avoid in the kosher diet

Foods allowed in the kosher diet

Now that we’ve determined what the kosher diet is, let’s see what foods allow it!

Fresh kosher dairy
One of the rules of the kosher diet is not to combine meat with dairy products.

Both fish and eggs have their own rules, but are included in the same “pareve” or “neutral” group because they do not contain meat or milk.

Fish that should be considered kosher should have fins and scales, such as salmon, mackerel, tuna or halibut. Exclusive utensils are not required for their preparation and can be eaten with meat or dairy.

Eggs can only be obtained from kosher birds, but must not show traces of blood. Therefore, a good inspection is required. They can also be eaten with meat and dairy.


As in previous cases, the wine must be prepared with kosher equipment. Of course, the rule also covers its ingredients. According to Juan Piqueras, this drink is one of the products with the highest level of demand, because it is part of many Jewish religious rituals.

That being said, it should be noted that the entire kosher wine production process is developed and supervised by practicing Jews. If not, the wine is rejected.

The rules of Easter

During the religious activity of Easter, many other kosher dietary restrictions apply. For example, all yeast cereal products are prohibited. These cereals are called “chametz” and include wheat, oats, barley, rye and spelled.

Sometimes some of them are allowed, as long as they do not come into contact with water for more than 18 minutes and do not contain leavening agents, such as yeast. An example of this exception is matza, an unleavened bread that is not considered chametz, even if it is made from wheat.

What is the kosher diet: certification of kosher food

The complexity of modern food processing justifies the fact that supporters of the kosher diet make sure they choose permitted foods. For this reason, systems have been created to certify kosher products.

Kosher certified products must bear a label indicating compliance with all religious requirements. There are different certification bodies. If the food is certified for Easter, it will have a separate label.

The level of accuracy and requirements of the kosher diet are clear. Many Jews choose this diet because it allows them to be more connected to their religious heritage. But despite the restrictions, a kosher diet can provide variety and nutritional balance. In addition, certification is very helpful in simplifying the procurement process.


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