Whistling In The Ears: How To Reduce It By Eating

If you want to reduce the intensity of ringing in your ears, add cranberries to your diet. They also help lower blood pressure!
Tinnitus: how to reduce it through diet

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, ringing in the ears is a very common problem among the population.

We are referring, of course, to tinnitus. It is a kind of intense humming or wailing that can become a very annoying problem. 

Tinnitus may be intermittent and may be present in only one ear or both. There are several causes of its appearance, but one of the most common is, without a doubt, bruxism.

It is important to remember that ringing in the ears is not a disease. It’s just a symptom that you need to find out the source of. 

Sometimes there may be a problem or inflammation in the inner ear. In other cases, whistling occurs as a result of constant exposure to high-intensity sounds.

Either way, there are various techniques to alleviate this problem, depending on its cause. If the “culprit” is bruxism, it may be necessary to wear a dental brace at night. If you have a hearing problem, your doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

However, diet can be very effective in these cases. Foods that lower blood pressure and inflammation can be very helpful.

Foods that reduce ringing in the ears

There are several ways to reduce ringing in the ears.

Some people resort to “white noise”, while others try to control their stress. These methods can also combat the problems associated with bruxism.

It is best to find the solution that suits you.

The foods below are useful for everyone because they improve circulation, reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol and have a relaxing effect.

Here they are.


  • Pineapple is the best anti-inflammatory fruit, as it contains an amazing enzyme: bromelain.
  • Bromelain is so effective that it is currently used to treat and reduce inflammation caused by tendinitis, dislocations, minor muscle injuries, sore throat and ear pain.
  • If the ringing in your ears constantly bothers you, don’t hesitate. Eat fresh pineapple every day.
Pineapple reduces ringing in the ears

Garlic and onion

  • Both onions and garlic help reduce the presence of infections. It is good to add these raw vegetables in salads and other dishes in small quantities.
  • In addition, their antibacterial and antifungal properties help strengthen the immune system.


A diet low in sodium lowers blood pressure and, with it, the ringing in the ears.

  • If there are fresh cranberries in the area where you live, don’t hesitate to eat them too. These small and delicious fruits are rich in antioxidants, potassium, calcium and magnesium and do not contain sodium.
  • All of these nutrients help reduce inflammation, relieve pain and protect the heart.
  • Natural cranberry juice also helps fight anxiety and nervousness.
Cranberry juice reduces ringing in the ears

Wheat germ

You can find wheat germ in health food stores or in the specialty district of the supermarket. Extraordinary nutrients in wheat germ include vitamin F.

  • Vitamin F is linoleic acid, which helps regulate many functions in the body, the optimal functioning of the liver, better assimilation of fats and sugars and lower blood pressure.
  • In addition, the high content of B vitamins in wheat germ helps to improve nerve impulses. 
  • This extraordinary group of nutrients helps regulate the nervous system and neurotransmitters that reduce anxiety.

Try adding a tablespoon of wheat germ to smoothies or yogurt.


Drink a cup of chamomile tea an hour before bed and you will be able to enjoy a quality sleep.

  • Many people complain that the ringing and ringing in their ears intensifies at night. 

In addition to dietary changes and following your doctor’s instructions, try to get involved in relaxing activities to prevent the problem from getting worse.

  • Take hot showers, practice yoga, do light exercises. All this is very helpful. It is ideal to do them two hours before bedtime. Then, after a light dinner, drink a chamomile tea.
You can fight chamomile in your ears with chamomile tea

Of all the natural drinks meant to treat tinnitus, this is without a doubt the most effective.

In conclusion, if you are upset with tinnitus, go to the doctor first. Follow the treatment prescribed by him and try to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

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