White Bread Or Wholemeal Bread: Which Is Better?

Although wholemeal bread is high in fiber and has a beneficial impact on the gastrointestinal system, we must be very careful with what other foods we combine it.
White bread or wholemeal bread: which is better?

One of the biggest debates in the world of nutrition is what kind of bread we should eat. The strangest thing is that many people make a decision without really understanding the different options available to them. So which is better: white bread or wholemeal bread?

We all know that wholemeal bread is healthier than white bread. But most of us don’t understand why. What may surprise us is that there are still many questions and myths about the most popular food in the world.

Is bread harmful and fattening? Should its color be as brown as possible? In the following we will explain why it is good to opt for white bread or wholemeal bread .

Is wholemeal bread more nutritious?

Traditionally,  baked bread is made up of three components: bran, germ and starch. We need to know this in order to understand the differences between white and brown bread.

The white flour used to make white bread contains only starch. Wholemeal bread contains, in addition to starch, germs and bran.

This means that, due to the cereals from which it is prepared, wholemeal bread contains more nutrients.

  • It is a mistake to include wholemeal bread in the category of diet foods.
  • It is simply the bread that offers the highest nutritional value and the lowest caloric content.

Is all brown bread wholemeal bread?

The decision to opt for white bread or wholemeal bread

Just because a bread is brown does not necessarily mean that it is whole. In fact, many refined white breads contain additives that make them brown.

Manufacturers often enrich white bread with vitamin B complex. Although this misleads many consumers, the bread is still unhealthy.

The worst aspect is that grocery stores promote this type of bread as if it were a 100% natural product.

Why is white bread less healthy?

At the heart of the problem are the processes that white bread producers use to ensure that their product has the color, appearance and texture desired by consumers. Unfortunately, every step of these processes leads to a bread without fiber, minerals and natural fats.

Because it does not contain much fiber, white bread does not have a beneficial impact on digestion. Instead, whole grains help the intestines to process ingested foods faster.

At the same time, if you opt for white bread and you want to feel full, you will have to consume a larger amount than if you were to serve wholemeal bread.

White bread or wholemeal bread? In search of the perfect bread…

White bread or wholemeal bread available in stores

The above information shows that when it comes to opting for white bread or wholemeal bread, the caloric value is not the only significant difference. The best thing you can do is eat a healthy, natural, high-fiber bread.

So which bread is better?

We advise you to say yes to wholemeal bread. This way, you will get the extra fiber, vitamins and nutrients that your body needs.

Avoid bread that is very rich in gluten or added sugars. This food is healthy or not depending on the type of flour it contains.

The benefits of bread

Moderate consumption of bread is a habit that will do you good.

  • Bread fibers support intestinal movements and stimulate the elimination of waste.
  • Bread can have a beneficial impact on heart health. All you have to do is serve two or three small portions (70 g) of bread a day.
  • Diabetics should eat wholemeal bread in moderation. It keeps your blood sugar more stable than white bread.

Moderate consumption of bread

White bread or wholemeal bread cut into slices

Whether you choose white bread or wholemeal bread, the benefits of this product depend on the other foods we serve.

  • It all depends on the food combinations we choose.
  • If you eat bread with butter, sausages or other harmful products, your health will suffer in the long run.

We advise you to alternate bread with other beneficial sources of carbohydrates, such as pasta, rice, oats and quinoa. If you choose high quality bread and do not abuse it, your body will only gain.

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