Why Not Eat Before The Tests?

In general, patients should fast before taking blood for at least 8 hours. However, this will also depend on the type of analysis. Today, we will explain why you should not eat before you have tests.
Why not eat before the tests?

Blood tests are one of the most common types of medical tests because they provide a lot of information about a person’s health. In fact, they are considered basic routine tests when it comes to any medical intervention. In general, patients should fast before blood tests for at least 8 hours and, if possible, have their blood drawn in the morning. Why not eat before the tests?

Blood tests can help analyze various parameters. Doctors often require specific tests to confirm or rule out a particular diagnosis. However, many of the tests are more of a routine matter (e.g., blood sugar or blood cell count).

In the article below, we will explain why you should not eat before the tests. Why is it so important to abstain from food and drink for at least eight hours before the procedure? We will answer this question and more.

What is the purpose of blood tests?

Blood tests consist of drawing blood from the patient and analyzing the sample in a laboratory. They allow doctors to study many aspects of the body to obtain information about the general state of health. At the same time, the information can shed light on the condition of a particular organ.

In general, blood tests include a blood count. This refers to the concentration of each of the types of cells that exist in the blood (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets). Moreover, the analyzes allow the observation of the shape of these cells.

Similarly, blood tests allow the analysis of several biochemical values (for example, the levels of glucose or iron in a person’s blood). Within this group of values, we can mention cholesterol, triglycerides, thyroid enzymes, urea, etc.

All these parameters are essential in the detection of certain diseases. For example, thyroid enzyme values ​​help diagnose a thyroid disease. At the same time, iron and other values ​​can help doctors determine the presence and severity of anemia.

Moreover, blood tests can help even in certain types of tumors. These tumors work by releasing certain substances that can be found in the blood.

Doctor taking a blood sample
Blood tests can help detect irregularities in the body. Doctors often use them to diagnose various diseases.

Why not eat before the tests?

It is important not to eat or drink 8 hours before medical tests. In other words, do not consume food or liquids (except water) the night before. The blood absorbs food and drink and this can change certain parameters.

The need to refrain from food and drink depends on the tests that will be performed. For example, if your doctor has only requested a blood count, fasting may not be necessary. However, in the case of glucose levels, adults should fast for at least 8 hours and children for at least 3 hours.

In the case of thyroid function analysis, a fast of only 4 hours should be sufficient. When it comes to cholesterol levels, doctors may recommend fasting for up to 12 hours.

Another aspect to consider is medication. Certain medications, such as food, can alter the results of medical tests. Doctors are generally aware of this and will be able to tell you if you should stop taking certain medicines.

Why not eat before the tests
Fasting before blood tests will depend on the tests that will take place. Not every type of blood test requires fasting.

What else do you need to consider?

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